


Status: Complete

Board Meeting

Sacramento, May 4th, 1916

The Board met at 8 P.M. at 919 K Street.
Mr. President Sam Stone called the meeting
to order. Roll call and absentees noted.
Minutes of last meeting read and approved.

The Committee on Ground for Cemetery reported
that they were to hear from parties about
a piece of land.

A communication from Central Conference of
American Rabbis dated Evansville, Ind., April, 1916
from the committee on solicitation of funds
for superannuated Rabbis by annual
contributions. On motion it was ordered that
the communication be received and that our
congregation contribute the sum of $5.00 annually
for that purpose.

No further business appearing
the meeting adjourned.

Leon Salomon

The Board of Officers met at 919 K Street
October 1916. Quorum being present, Mr. S. Stone, President
presiding. The minutes of previous meeting read and approved.

The President stated that he had given a grave at the
cemetery to the Secretary for the burial of his son for the
past services rendered to the congregation of our Secretary.
On motion, the action of the President was approved. The
Secretary tendered his thanks to the Board.

The President stated that he heard that Miss Jackson was
not satisfied with the amount she gets for singing
and asked for a raise, that she would sing for $15.00
a month. On motion, it was ordered that the salary
of Miss Jackson be fixed at $15.00 commencing from
November 1, 1916. Mr. Leo Garfinkle spoke in regard
to the lectures of Rabbi Fried, that he should
give a series of lectures in place of taking for his
themes from the Bible. A committee of 2 & the
President were appointed to wait on the

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