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to whom Mr. Ed Bonnheim spoke to.

No further business, the meeting adjourned.
Before adjourning Mr. Nathan who had
advanced to the congregation presented 2 notes
of $200.00 for the president to sign.

Leon Salomon

B. Frommer 25.00 donate

Sacramento, October 18, 1917

The Board of officers of the congregation
B'nai Israel met at 8 P.M. Mr. Stone,
president, called the meeting to order. Present
Mr. Isidor Cohen, treasurer, Mr. Max Simon,
C.P. Nathan & D. Singer.

A communication from Miss Rothholz applying
for the position as organist of the congregation.
Mr. Stone stated that when Miss Lichthardt [Note 1]
was engaged that it was with the understanding
that she would hold the position
for the end of the season.

Latourrette & Fical [Note 2] submitted a bid for the
alterations of the heating of the congregation,
Mr. S. Fleishman being present representing
the firm explaining the work to be done.
The board by a vote decided to refer the
matter to the members of the congregation
at the annual meeting on October 28th.

On motion it was ordered that the $400.00 loan
for Mr. Chas. P. Nathan be paid. The president
stated that the contract with the rabbi would
commence on September 1st, 1918 and suggested that as
long as the election of officers will take place
on Sunday, October 28th, the secretary was
instructed to state on the postal card notice
that the election of rabbi would also take
place. The president was authorized to
purchase wood and coal. No further business,
the meeting adjourned. Leon Salomon, Secretary

[Note 1: Mary Lichthardt, music teacher, 1917 city directory]
[Note 2: Latourrette-Fical, Plumbers, Steam and gas fitters, 1917 city directory]

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