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Regular Meeting

Sacramento, November 8th, 1917

The board of officers of the congregation met
at Mr. Stone, 919 K at 8 P.M.
Mr. Sam Stone, president, presiding.
Roll call, all present except Mr. S.J. Lubin & [?J.?]
Minutes of last meeting read and approved.

The chair appointed the various committees
Choir Rabbi Fried & H.L. Stich
on Cemetery the vice president & president and on
motion Mr. Isidor Cohen was added to that
on Finance Max Simon & U. Ahronheim

Mr. Martin reported that he seen several
firms in regard to the heating of the temple
and that the firm of Hadley who will have
the generator so as to shut off any part of the
temple at a contract of $52.00 and if any
other repairs necessary to have it done.

Mr. Binder, chairman of the Ways & Means
stated that he wanted a list of the members,
their addresses & the amount they pay for dues.
Also such names as may be included to become
members of the congregation, that he intends
to have letters & a financial report mailed to
each and every member and that he and Mr. Stich,
the other of the comittee, would call on everyone
in person to get increase of dues.
Mr. Binder was given full power in the matter.

Mr. Stone stated that Ladies B.S. had at
their last meeting authorized the loan of
$400.00 but since that meeting had
been reported that the meeting was not
legal. On motion it was ordered that
a committee be appointed to appear before
the next meeting of the Ladies B.S. to speak
& ask their assistance so as to enable the
congregation to pay back the $400.00 due to
Mr. Chas. P. Nathan.

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