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And the following committee was appointed
Leo Garfinkle, Herman Davis & Mr. Binder.
The president was added to that committee.
Mr. Samuel Brown on recommendation
of Mr. Binder was elected a member of
the congregation.

The board decided to have the regular
monthly meeting to take place on Friday
evening after the services and that the rabbi
be invited to be present, in order that the
services might be more interesting.

No futher business appearing the
meeting adjourned.

Leon Salomon,

Sacramento, [crossed off: November] 12th of P. 1917

The board of officers of the congregation
B'nai Israel met at 9 P.M.
Mr. Sam Stone, president, presiding,
the following were present. Mr. H.A. Binder,
vice president, Max Simon, Isidor
Cohen and U. Ahronheim P.

The reading of the minutes of the last
meeting postponed on account of the absence of the
secretary. Mr. U. Ahronheim acted as
secretary pro tem. The president reported
that he received $150.00 for the grave of the
late Mr. Jos. Nathan and $50.00 for grave
to Mr. Rubenstein. Mr. Binder reported
the sending out of letters to members and
nonmembers of the congregation,
asking their cooperation in looking after
the needs of the synagogue and that he had
followed up their letters with personal calls
which had met with encouragement.
He asked for a committee of eight to continue

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