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Sacramento, December 12, 1919

The Special Meeting of the Board of Trustees met
after services, above date at Temple B'nai Israel.
President H.A. Binder in the chair. Absentees
being noted as follows. Herman Davis, Irving Heilbron,
Henry Haas and Gus Marks. On motion, it was
moved that the reading of the minutes of last
meeting be dispensed with. On motion of Mr. Simon
it was ordered that the Ladies' Auxillary appoint
two of their members to attend the meeting of
the Trustees and act in conjunction with the
Trustees on the affairs of the Congregation.

It was moved and seconded that a committee of
three be appointed for the purpose of consulting
the Rabbi towards showing a friendly feeling
to all Jews in Sacramento, whether members
of our congregation or not, to the end of
increasing membership in the Temple B'nai Israel
or the suspending of the choir and other expenses
or to devise some method of meeting the
present increased cost of maintenance and
for the Rabbi to come before the full board.

President Binder advised the Board that
the committees for the ensuing year would be
notified by the Secretary.

Committee appointed as follows.
No further business appearing, the
member adjourned.

Caesar Rotholz

[See Correspondence, page 6 for members and purposes of the following committees

Special committee to see Rabbi Fried
Committee on Finance
House Committee
Ritual Committee
Cemetery Committee]

[See Correspondence, page 7 for members and purposes of the following committees
Music Committee
Committee on By Laws
Sunday School Committee
Membership Committee]

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