Sacramento, Jan 12, 1920
The monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees
was held at the Hotel Sacramento. President
H.A. Binder in the chair. Absentees being noted
as follows. Albert Elkus, Irvin Heilbron and
Chas. P. Nathan.
President H. A. Binder instructed
the Secretary to advise Mrs. Herman Davis
of the Woman's Auxillary, to appoint two
Members of the Society to meet with the
Board of Trustees. Reading of the minutes
of last meeting was read and the Secretary
was instructed to change the name of Mr. Haas
to Mr. Simon of a motion of last meeting.
On motion of Mr. Salomon, both communications
of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations
be placed on file and the Secretary instructed
to answer them. [See Correspondence, pages 8 and 9]
Committee reported that they
had a meeting with the Rabbi and that the
Rabbi had asked for a thirty days for which
to make arrangements for the financing
of the congregation, upon a plan which he
had devised, and which he was sure he could
successfully carry into operation. The committee
granted the Rabbi's request. On motion of Mr.
Herman Davis, and seconded by Mr. Max Simon, the secretary
was instructed to request the Rabbi to appear at a
special meeting of the Trustees, to be held Feb. 4th, 8 P.M.
at the Sacramento Hotel, and there present his plan
for financing the congregation. No further business
appearing, the members adjourned.
Caesar Rothholz
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