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by a letter addressed to every member of the congregation
informing him of this action of the trustees and
stating the class of membership in which the committee
in the exercise of the discretion given them had placed
such member. Second, that the committee personally
interview any member who declined to continue
his membership on the new basis and endeavor
to get him to reconsider his decision.

[See Correspondence, page 13 for letter to congregation]

That the committee be allowed thirty days in which
to make a full report of the success or failure of their

That this resolution be effective for two
years, it being understood that the increase in dues
made for the purpose of relieving the present financial
embarrassments of the congregation.

No further business appearing the members adjourned.

Caesar Rothholz

Sacramento, February 12, 1920

The regular monthly meeting of the trustees was held at Hotel
Sacramento. President H.A. Binder
presiding. Absentees being noted Mr. & Mrs. Gus Marks,
Irvin Heilbron, Albert Elkus. Reading of minutes
of special meeting was read and all corrections
and suggestions be made as suggested by Mr. Davis.

Mr. Brown of the Bylaws committee reported that
part of the committee met and postponed the meeting
until a full attendance of the committee. Mr. Haas
of the Finance committee reported that they will
have a full report next meeting. Mr. Binder reported
that hes has been advised that Mrs. Annie Marks has
bequested to the synagogue $1000.00 and which be paid
as soon as the estate be distributed. Mr. Binder reported
that the resolutions adopted at the monthly meeeting
denying that this congregation authorized any application
for the distribution of the Isidor Cohen's estate have
by him presented to the executors of the Estate of Isidor
Cohen. Mr. Simon moved that a memorial table

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