Finance committee asks extension of time until
the next meeting.
It has been moved and seconded that the report of
Mr. H.A. Binder and Rabbi Fried be received and
placed on file.
Mr. L. Salomon moved, seconded by Mr. Simon, that a
resolution be adopted that persons desiring to pay an
amount less than 2.60 per month and not less than
1.10 per month shall be classed as nonvoting associates,
The resolution was lost by President Binder voting No.
It was moved and seconded that the President be
allowed to change his vote, and the previous
resolution, and carried.
The President changed his vote to aye and declared
the above resolution carried.
It has been moved by Mr. Davis and seconded by
Mr. Nathan that the committee use their discretion
about notifying the members about the above resolution.
Mr. Salomon moved that the resignation of
Mr. Brown as Vice President be accepted with
many regrets and the Secretary notify Mr. Brown
to that effect.
Mr. Max Simon was elected Vice President by acclamation.
No further business appearing the members
Caesar Rothholz
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