


Status: Complete

Sacramento, May 12, 1920

The regular monthly meeting of the trustees was held at
Hotel Sacramento. President H.A. Binder presiding. Absentees
Albert Elkus, Irvin Heilbron, Henry Haas, Chas. P. Nathan.
President H.A. Binder appointed Mr. J. Rubel trustee.

[See Correspondence, page 16 for appointment letter for J. Rubel]

President H.A. Binder sent following telegram to the
Family of the late Rabbi Arndt and wife.

[See Correspondence, page 17 for telegram]

Miss Lillian Rothholz sends a letter to resign as organist.

[See Correspondence, page 18 for resignation letter]

Moved and seconded that the resignation be accepted and
the secretary send following lettter accepting the resignation.

[See Correspondence, page 19 for acceptance letter]

Finance committee reported mistake of 6.51 and was accepted.
Report of committee of raising the deficit of the synagogue
was accepted and a vote of thanks giving the committee.
Moved by Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Salomon that a
communication be send to the women of Jewish Relief Society
for a further loan of 1000.00 to the Temple B'nai Israel.
Mr. Binder appointed Mr. Davis to cooperate with the
secretary to word the communication to the women
of the Jewish Relief Society of obtaining the loan.
The following communication was send.

[See Correspondence, page 20 for letter to Women's Relief Society]

Secretary send the following communication to the Rabbi
M. Fried.

Moved by Mr. Salomon the communication from
Union of Hebrew Congregations in regard to the pension
fund of rabbi's be filed and taken up after our present
difficulties are disposed of.

No further business appearing, the members adjourned.

Caesar Rothholz

P.S. Finance committee reported shortage of 6.51 in treasurers
books which was accepted and committee discharged.

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