November 2nd, [1920]
A special meeting of the officers of
the congregation was called by the new
president Mr. Rubel for the purpose
of appointing his working committees and
to lay out a plan of action for his
term of office.
Those present were:
Mr. Rubel, President
Gus Marks, Vice President
Henry Haas, Secretary
Julius Gattmann, Albert Elkus, H.A. Binder, Leon Salomon, Trustees
[Margin note: The following committees were selected by the President:]
Finance -- Chairman Gus Marks
Henry Mitau, Isidore Brown, Wallace Salmon
House -- Chairman Albert Elkus
S. Lubin, Herman Davis
Cemetery -- Chairman Julius Gattmann
Max Simon, Jess Lubin, Dave Wasserman,
Albert Elkus, H.A. Binder
School -- Chairman H.A. Binder
Mrs. Gus Marks, Mrs. H.A. Binder, Mrs. S.J. Lubin, Edw. Goldberg
Ritual -- Dr. Fried, Chairman
Chas. P. Nathan, Caesar Rothholz, Leo Garfinkle, Wm. Abramowitz
Membership -- Chairman H.A. Binder
Sol Nathan, Wm. Abramowitz, Max Rothholz, Mr. Friedenthal
Music -- H.A. Binder, Chairman
Chas. P. Nathan, Irving Heilbron, S.G. Brown, Edw. Goldberg
There was no further business and
the members adjourned.
Henry Haas, Secretary
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