Sacramento, Friday, December 3d, 1921 [should be 1920]
The board of officers of the Congregation B'nai
Israel met at the close of services
at the temple. Mr. Jacob Rubel, president,
presiding. Those present were
Jacob Rubel, Gus Marks and Henry Haas.
The minutes of the previous meeting
were read and approved by those
The secretary reported that the chairmen
of all the committees were notified by letter of
their appointments and of the nature
of their duties to perform during
their term.
M. J. Ginsberg presented a bill for $18.00 for
articles of maintenance purchased by him
which was ordered paid. The bills from
Schneider, Chappel and Jones were also ordered
paid, deducting for damage done to
lamps, etc.
The treasurer Mr. C.P. Nathan informed
the trustees that his records were destroyed
at the store during their recent fire, the
last statement, however, being available;
the chairman of the finance committee
was thereupon instructed by the president
to cooperate with the treasurer in
reconstructing his records.
Mr. J. Ginsberg appeared before the board
stating that it was impossible for him
to get the janitor work done any longer
at the old price $12.50 paid and that
it was necessary to pay $20.00 per month
for same. It was thereupon moved by
Mr. Marks and seconded by Mr. Haas that
$20.00 per month shall hereafter be allowed
for same.
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