It was the sense of the meeting
that all the committee chairmen be
requested to hand in their report at
the next regular meeting especially
the cemetery committee.
There being no further business
before the board, the meeting was
Henry Haas, Secty
Sacramento, July 23rd, [1921]
A meeting of the board of
officers took place in the temple after
services. Those present were Gus Marks,
Vice President, Chas. P. Nathan, Treas, Henry
Haas, Sec., Leon Salomon and Dr. Fried.
At this meeting the resignation of the
president of the congregation,
Mr. Jacob Rubel, was read and accepted.
The following bills were ordered paid after being moved and seconded. [Note]
City Treasurer 73.65, for tuning organ
$12.60, 3.00 and $15.60.
The seat sale for the
holidays was handed to Mr. Joe Litzberg
and accepted.
There being no further business
before the board, the meeting was
[Note: It is not clear whether they moved and seconded the acceptance of Mr. Rubel's resignation or the payment of the bills.]
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