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Sacramento, California, March 20, 1923

A meeting of the Directors was held
in Max Simon's store. All present except
C.P. Nathan and J Gattman. Mr. A. Elkus, I. Kubel
and O. Goldblatt also present.

Max Simon reported he could obtain
an option on a tract of 5 acres of land
containing a fine house, sidewalk, and windmill
on the Riverside Road. After some
discussion, it was moved and seconded that
Max Simon should take an option ($100)
on the place.

Nothing further appearing the meeting

H.J. Litzberg
Temporary Secretary

Sacramento, California, April 5, 1923

A meeting of the Directors was held
in Mr. Goldsmith's office. All present
except Chas. P. Nathan.

A lengthy discussion was held
in regard to purchase of a new
cemetery together with the Mosaic Law Congregation.
It was moved and seconded that
a cemetery organization be formed, the
ownership in same to be composed of the
two organizations B'nai Israel owning 51%
and Mosaic Law owning 49%. Amount
representing this ownership to be paid in cash
in above ratio.

B'nai Israel further will deed, free of
incumbrance, old cemetery to new cemetery
organization, in addition to original cash

The chair appointed Mr. Gattman, Brown,
and himself to visit meeting of Mosaic Law Congregation.

No further business meeting adjourned.

H.J. Litzberg
Temporary Secretary

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