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Sacramento, Cal. April 18, 1923

A meeting of the Directors was held
in Mr. Goldsmith office. Max Simon, I. Brown,
O. Goldblatt were present. Mr. Chas P. Nathan

A bill of 129.28 for street improvement
of cemetery was ordered paid. After a
talk by Mr. I. Kubel & O. Goldblatt & much
discussion, it was agreed to buy a
cemetery on an equal cash basis by
Cong. B'nai Israel & Cong. Mosaic Law provided
the latter produce enough cash & agree to
certain agreements.

Nothing further appearing, the meeting

H.J. Litzberg
Temp. Secy

Sacramento, Cal. April 23, 1923

A joint meeting of the two cemetery
committees was held in Mosaic Synagogue. All
prresent except Chas P. Nathan.

Mr. I. Brown acted as temporary chairman.
Mr. Kubel reported that his congregation was
ready to combine with that of B'nai Israel
Cong. in purchasing a plot of ground for a
cemetery & was confident that his congregation
could raise the amount of money needed for
that purpose.

Pres. Max Simon reported that he had an
option on a tract of land consisting of five
acres & had therein an electric pump, new house
& partly fenced. Mr. Gattman moved and was
second that Pres. Simon & Max Smith employ
an expert to determine whether the ground
was suitable for a cemetery. It was moved by
Goldblatt & seconded by Litzberg that the
New Cemetery Association absorb the old Cemetery

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