October 29th, 1923
Annual Meeting
The annual meeting of Congregation B'nai Israel
was held October 29th, 1923, and called to order
by President Max Simon at 8:15 P.M.
The minutes of the previous Annual Meeting
and director's monthly meeting were approved
as read.
The annual reports of the Secretary and
Treasurer were read and ordered filed.
Mr. Gattman reported for the Cemetery Committee
that it had a desirable location in view
for the new cemetery.
Motion made and seconded that McKinley
Park gardeners be permitted to trim hedge of
cemetery on J Street without charge. Passed.
Motion made and seconded that bylaws
be amended to read "seven trustees" instead
of "three trustees." Passed.
Motion made and seconded that bylaws
be amended to read "Annual Meeting shall be
held sometime in 'November' " instead of 'October.'
Motion made and seconded that we
invite to attend the Directors and Annual
Meetings, two women who are
members or whose husbands are members
of the Congregation.
A letter from Rabbi M. Fried tendering
his resignation as Rabbi of the Temple --
to take effect January 1st, 1924 -- was read
and ordered filed.
Motion made and seconded that
resignation of Rabbi Fried be accepted.
Passed. The Secretary was requested to send
expression of gratitude to Rabbi
for services rendered during past sixteen
years, and advise him of acceptance of resignation.
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