Sacramento, Cal. April 18, 1923
A meeting of the Directors was held in Mr. Goldsmith office. Max Simon, I. Brown, O. Goldblatt were present. Mr. Chas P. Nathan absent.
A bill of 129.28 for street improvement of cemetery was ordered paid. After a talk by Mr. I. Kubel & O. Goldblatt & much discussion, it was agreed to buy a cemetery on an equal cash basis by Cong. B'nai Israel & Cong. Mosaic Law provided the latter produce enough cash & agree to certain agreements.
Nothing further appearing, the meeting adjourned.
H.J. Litzberg Temp. Secy
Sacramento, Cal. April 23, 1923
A joint meeting of the two cemetery committees was held in Mosaic Synagogue. All prresent except Chas P. Nathan.
Mr. I. Brown acted as temporary chairman. Mr. Kubel reported that his congregation was ready to combine with that of B'nai Israel Cong. in purchasing a plot of ground for a cemetery & was confident that his congregation could raise the amount of money needed for that purpose.
Pres. Max Simon reported that he had an option on a tract of land consisting of five acres & had therein an electric pump, new house & partly fenced. Mr. Gattman moved and was second that Pres. Simon & Max Smith employ an expert to determine whether the ground was suitable for a cemetery. It was moved by Goldblatt & seconded by Litzberg that the New Cemetery Association absorb the old Cemetery
free from all encumbrances & that its policy shall be to furnish a grave free in new cemetery for each grave in the old cemetery at the expense of the new Cemetery Association & it was also agreed that the two different synagogues pay each $4000 towards the new Cemetery Association.
Nothing further appearing, the meeting adjourned.
H.J. Litzberg Temp. Secy.
Sacramento, May 23, 1923
A meeting of the two cemetery committees was held at Max Simon's store. Mr. J. Gattman presiding. Max Simon reported that he paid an additional $400.00 on the option of land on Riverside Road to Hickman & Coleman. Mr. Simon also reported that he had engaged a civil engineer, Mr. J. Gross, at his own expense. Mr. Gross gave a complete & detailed report, with blueprints & reported that the land on Riverside Road is infeasible for a cemetery.
Mr. Goldblatt stated that Mr. Zemansky will donate a ten acre tract of land with a free deed. Mr. Zemansky will enclose the land with a substantial iron fence. It was moved and second that the chair appoint a committee of three to inspect the land & if it was not stable, to look for some other place. The chair appointed Messers. Simon, Goldblatt & Kubel. It was moved & second that Mr. Simon be reimbursed for the expense he had in employing Mr. Gross, the civil engineer. Mr. Simon was also instructed to settle the option with Hickman & Coleman & if possible to receive back part of the money paid on the option.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.
H.J. Litzberg Temp Secy
Sacramento, California July 5, 1923
The directors met in Max Simon's store. All noted present. Max Simon presided. The president reported that Mr. Pease [Note] refused to sing for the coming year, but would be willing to sing for the holidays. Mr. Nathan was instructed by the chair to call upon Mr. Pease.
Mr. C.P. Nathan reported that there was about $30.00 in the treasury. Mr. Brown was instructed by the chair to see Rabbi M. Fried [text crossed out - with the understanding -regard- that his postion should be vacated after one year]
Nothing further appearing the meeting adjourned.
H.J. Litzberg Temporary Secretary
[Note: Edward Pease, Pease Music Studio, 1921 city directory]
October 29th, 1923
Annual Meeting
The annual meeting of Congregation B'nai Israel was held October 29th, 1923, and called to order by President Max Simon at 8:15 P.M.
The minutes of the previous Annual Meeting and director's monthly meeting were approved as read.
The annual reports of the Secretary and Treasurer were read and ordered filed.
Mr. Gattman reported for the Cemetery Committee that it had a desirable location in view for the new cemetery.
Motion made and seconded that McKinley Park gardeners be permitted to trim hedge of cemetery on J Street without charge. Passed.
Motion made and seconded that bylaws be amended to read "seven trustees" instead of "three trustees." Passed.
Motion made and seconded that bylaws be amended to read "Annual Meeting shall be held sometime in 'November' " instead of 'October.'
Motion made and seconded that we invite to attend the Directors and Annual Meetings, two women who are members or whose husbands are members of the Congregation.
A letter from Rabbi M. Fried tendering his resignation as Rabbi of the Temple -- to take effect January 1st, 1924 -- was read and ordered filed.
Motion made and seconded that resignation of Rabbi Fried be accepted. Passed. The Secretary was requested to send expression of gratitude to Rabbi for services rendered during past sixteen years, and advise him of acceptance of resignation.
Results Election of Officers for year 1923-1924
President -- Max Simon Vice President -- Gus Marks Treasurer -- C.P. Nathan Secretary -- I.E. Cohen
Trustees -- Herman Davis Albert Elkus I. Brown J. Gattman N.J. Goldsmith S.J. Lubin Sol Nathan
After close of business meeting --
Mr. Brown reported offer of Rabbi Fried to assist the Temple in its services until a new Rabbi is secured.
Discussion of standards to be set for the new Rabbi took place. Mention was made of proposal to underwrite the increase in "salary for Rabbi" that may be necessary in securing new man. [Margin note: salary on underwriting]
Meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M.
I.E. Cohen Secretary