Sacramento, November 10th, 1912
Special meeting of the Board of Officers of the Congregation met at 2:30 PM. at the place of business of the Eastern Outfitting Store [Note 1] - Mr. Albert Elkus, President, presiding. Mr. J. Lubin noted absent.
The architect, Mr. Seadler [Note 2], was present and submitted a plan for the rebuilding of the Temple with various changes, particularly so with the downstairs to be raised.
After carefully examining the plan it was decided to call a special meeting of the Congregation Sunday afternoon to take action about accepting the plan & bids which were to be presented to the Members.
The Board authorized the building Committee to sign and OK all bills and one of the Committees authorized to sign all checks for the bills of the Building. The architect was to be allowed 6%.
Nothing further, the meeting adjourned.
Leib Salomon, secretary
[Note 1: Eastern Outfitting Co. 1024 J St] [Note 2: Seadler & Hoen, 610 K St] [Note 3: The resolution dated October 29th, 1912, giving Garfinkle, Simon, and Cohen authorization to handle affairs connected to the fire, was pasted into p. 187 of this Minute Book.]
Special Meeting
Sacramento, April 6, 1913
The board of officers met at the residence of Mr. Albert Elkus at 10 A.M. Mr. A. Elkus president called the meeting to order. At the roll call, the following were noted present. President Mr. Albert Elkus vice president, Mr. Max Simon, directors Leo Garfinkle, Jes Lubin & B. Frommer - Israel Lovich & secretary L. Salomon and Rabbi M. Fried. [margin note: Isidor I. Cohen]
The president stated the object of the meeting was in regard to the opening of the temple. The board in a body visited the temple & noted the condition thereof. And many suggestions were made about various little changes. The board returned to the residence of Mr. Albert Elkus.
On motion of Mr. Israel Lovich and seconded by Mr. J. Lubin that the building not to pay the architect until the mistakes made by him be rectified, the motion prevailed. Mr. Lubin moved that the temple circle hold choir in the vestry room next Sunday, providing permission is given by the contractor. Mr. Lovich seconded the motion and the motion was lost.
The board decided that the rededication take place 2 weeks from today - Sunday the 20th April. And that a committee consisting of Rabbi Fried, President Elkus & Vice President M. Simon prepare a program and invite all the rabbis of San Francisco & Rabbi Friedlander of Oakland & Rev. J. Wills of Sacramento to attend the dedication & that invitation be sent out to the whole Jewish community of Sacramento.
The chair stated that he has received a communication from the Orthodox asking if they would be permitted to hold their
[service] in the vestry room of our temple during the holidays or Friday nights and Saturdays. On motion it was ordered that the Secretary communicate with them that we could not grant their request for the reasons that it would interfere with our services, but that we be glad to receive them as members of our congregation of as many that would join us.
The Etham Lodge asked to be allowed to hold their meetings in the Vestry room, which was granted.
The building committee was authorized to have strips of rubber placed on the steps inside that leads to the Temple.
No further business appearing the meeting was adjourned.
Leon Salomon Secretary
Special Meeting April 10, 1913
A special meeting was called and met at the place of business of Mr. Max Simon at 2 P.M. Mr. Albert Elkus called the meeting to order, stating that the object of changing the date of the rededication of the Temple. Roll call and noted present - Mr. Albert Elkus, Max Simon, B. Frommer, Israel Lovich, Isidor Cohen, Sam Levinson, Rabbi Fried, and Secretary Leon Salomon.
After the President stated the reason why he would like to see the postponement. Mr. Lovich made a motion which was duly seconded that the rededication be postponed to Sunday May 4th. Ayes and Noes being called for, 4 voted in the affirmative and 2 in the negative. The chair declared the motion carried.
No further business the meeting adjourned.
Leon Salomon Secretary
Sacramento, May 9, 1913
The Board of Officers met in the synogogue after the services, Mr. Albert Elkus presiding. The building committee presented several bills which were referred back to them to be paid from the Building fund.
The following communication was read:
May 8, 1913 Leon Salomon, Secretary B'nai Israel, Sacramento
Dear Sir: Enclosed herein please find my check for $20.00 as donation toward the rebuilding of the Temple as follows. Caesar Rothholz 15.00 Lillian Rothholz 2.50 Morris Rothholz 2.50 Kindly acknowledge receipt of enclosed and oblige Caesar Rothholz.
On motion the Secretary was instructed to acknowledge same and with the thanks.
Communication from Mr. Sol Nathan that in the future his monthly dues will be 2.50 instead of $5.00.
Bill from Mr. J. Ginsberg for sundries articles bought and labor for 24.00. Mr. Leo Garfinkle moved that the bill be paid, and 10.00 additional be added for his services. The motion was duly seconded and carried.
The question of the old organ, to remove it, was left with the President.
No further business appearing the meeting adjourned.
Leon Salomon Secretary
Special Meeting
Sacramento, June 13, 1913
The Board of Officers of the Congregation B'nai Israel met in the synagogue after the services, Mr. Albert [Elkus] president presiding.
The Building Committee made a partial report of the amount paid out and what would be required yet and figuring that there will be a shortage of about 4500.00. The Building Committee was authorized to have the Temple wired so to use a light to show pictures.
On motion it was orderd that the prices for seats be the same as last year.
The Music Committee was instructed to make arrangements for a choir for the Holiday.
The Board seem to be unanimous to get the services of Professor Homer Henley. [Note]
Mr. Israel Lovich offered the following resolution which was adopted.
Resolved, that the Rabbi be notified that any change in the conduct of services or invitations to speak from the pulpit be submitted to the Board of Trustees for approval and furthermore no expenses shall be incurred except by order of the Board. Furthermore, in the interim between meetings, the President shall have full power to act for the Board.
The Building Committee was instructed to have the seats numbered.
On motion it was orderd that a warrant be drawn on the Treasurer for $75.00 as a donation in favor of Westminster Presbyterian Church with a letter to the Reverend Wills.
No further business appearing the meeting adjourned.
Leon Salomon Secretary
[Note: Homer Henley, music teacher Sacbee August 8, 1912]