Bnai Israel Minute Book, vol. 3, part 2: 1912-1929



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Sacramento, December 2, 1913

The regular monthly meeting of the board of officers of the Congregation B'nai Israel met in the office of Max Simon, President 8:00 P.M.

Roll call Mr. Chas P. Nathan, trustee and D. Ossry, school director noted absent. The chair appointed the following committees.

On Building: Sam Stone, Phil Hirsch and Leo Garfinkle On cemetery: President & Vice President On finance: Chas P. Nathan, Isidor Cohen, and Albert Elkus. On seats: Isidor Cohen & Sam Stone On choir: D. Reynolds & Albert Elkus

The secretary stated that we have no bylaws to guide ourselves. Mr. Phil Hirsch moved that the secretary be instructed to communicate with some congregations for a copy of their bylaws. Mr. Stone seconded the nomination which was carried.

The monthly meetings of the officers will hereafter take place on the first Sunday of each month at Mr. Max Simon place. Mr. Leo Garfinkle who has subscribed $50.00 to the building fund after paying his 1st installment of $25.00 asked to be relieved of the second installment of $25.00 which was granted.

A letter to Mr. Albert Elkus from the firm of Dunn, Cowan & Brand, attorneys for H.W. Rivett [Note] in regard to the account against the building comittee for $69.35 was read and referrred to the building committee.

No further business appearing, the meeting adjourned.

Leon Salomon Secretary

[Note: Rivett's Carpet Cleaning Works, city directory 1907]

Last edit 5 months ago by Deborah Gordon
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Regular Meeting

Sacramento, January 6, 1914

The Board of Officers of the Congregation B'nai Israel met at Mr. Simon's place 8 P.M. Full Board present with the exception of Mr. D. Ossry.

Mr. Rivett [Note 1] who has been notified to appear before our meeting being present for the purpose of his bill which the Board refused to pay on account of overcharge. The matter was taken and the contract which he had signed to do the work was shown to the Board and Mr. Frazer who Mr. Rivett had brought to the meeting. The check was presented for the amount allowed by the Building Committee as per contract and which Mr. Rivett had previously refused was again tendered to him and he accepted same, which closed the transaction.

The Secretary presented some bylaws which he was authorized as the previous meeting to procure. The chair appointed a committee consisting of Mr. Chas. P. Nathan, Albert Elkus, and Dr. Reynolds to look them over and propose a set of bylaws for our congregation.

The Committee on resolutions was granted further time.

The matter of laying a cement walk in the front of our cemetery was referred to the Building Commitee. Mr. Albert Elkus moved and duly seconded that the Secretary be instructed to draw a warrant from the General fund in favor of the Building fund for $111.85. The motion prevailed.

The names of M.J. Brand and Max Forman were presented to become members of the congregation recommended by Rabbi Fried at 1.60 each per month. On motion it was ordered that they be elected and placed on the Roll.

The President, Vice President, and Treasurer were instructed to see Mr. J. Ginsberg [Note 2] and find out if he wishes to continue to keep the Temple in good order, as complaints

[Note 1: Rivett's Carpet Cleaning Works, city directory 1907] [Note 2: Jacob Ginsberg, glazier]

Last edit 6 months ago by Deborah Gordon
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have been made that it was not properly kept and to have full power to act on the matter. [deleted: Nothing further appearing.]

Mr. Ossry declined to accept the position as School Director. The Board elected Mr. Frommer to fill the vacancy.

No further business appearing the meeting adjourned.

Leon Salomon Secretary

Sacramento, March 3, 1914

The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Officers of the Congregation B'nai Israel met at 8 P.M. at 814 K. Absent Mr. Chas. P Nathan, L.G. Reynolds, and Leo Garfinkle. The reading of the minutes of previous meeting read and approved.

The Committee on Resolutions made the following report. At a meeting of the Board of Congregation B'nai Israel held at the Temple, a motion was made that Resolutions be drafted and present same to Mr. Albert Elkus, the retiring President of our Congregation. The Board desires to place on record its high appreciation of the invaluable services provided to the Congregation by Mr. Elkus during his connection with it covering a period of nearly 40 years. Whereas during those many years he has been a member of the Board, and for many years held the office of Vice President and then the office of President, but now declining a re-election. And, whereas his labors have been marked by a spirit of devotion and by an intelligent judgement, be it resolved, therefore, that we extend to him besides our appreciation of the value of these services, and our thanks for what he has done, also our best wishes for his health and prosperity, and express our earnest desire that he may for many years to come continue to take an active part and interest in our Congregation B'nai Israel.

Last edit 5 months ago by Deborah Gordon
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Resolved, furthermore, that this resolution be spread on the records of the congregation, and that an engrossed copy thereof be sent to Mr. Albert Elkus. Rabbi Michael Fried and Leo Garfinkle committee. July 3, 1914.

On motion it was ordered that the report be received and resolution adopted.

A bill from contractor Vanina was presented and was referred to the Building Committee.

It was moved and duly seconded that the note of $200.00 held by the Men's Benevolent Society be taken up and a warrant drawn on the Treasurer for same. The President, Vice President, and Mr. Albert Elkus were instructed to prepare a chart of the graves in the cemetary.

The question of making some changes in the choir was raised. The committee on choir was given full power to act in the matter.

Mr. Phil Hirsch moved and it was duly seconded that the Saturday morning be discontinued. The motion prevailed.

No further business, the meeting adjourned.

Leon Salomon Secretary

Last edit 5 months ago by Deborah Gordon
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Regular Monthly Meeting

Sacramento, April 7, 1914. Mr. Simon in the chair. The Board of Officers met at 814 K St at 8 P.M. Mr. Phil Hirsch and L.G. Reynolds absent. The minutes of last meeting were read and approved.

The Secretary was instructed to communicate with Mr. Vanina the contractor to examine the roof of the Temple and before doing so to call on the President Mr. Max Simon. The matter of the bill was agin referred back to the Building Committee and if the committee finds that he is not entitled to the full amount of the bill, not to pay it.

The engrossed resolutions to Mr. Albert Elkus were presented and handed to the President to tender then to Mr. Albert Elkus.

The bill of $7.00 of Mr. Kleinsorge [Note] for the work was ordered paid.

Mr. Isidor Cohen noted that he had received a letter from Mr. Laurence R. Levy who left Sacramento sometime during the month of October 1913 intending to go to England, but got sick on its way and stayed in New York. He had sent 56.00 of which he wanted to pay one year dues and the balance as a donation. It was moved and seconded that a note of thanks be tendered to Mr. L.R. Levy and the Secretary to express it in a communcation.

Mr. Sam Stone stated that he had something to say, but felt a little backwards as the matter was of one who was present at the meeting stating that the Board wishes to show their appreciation of the services rendered by the Secretary and a motion was made and duly seconded that the Secretary be presented $100.00 for past services and an order drawn on the Treasurer for same.

[Note: Maybe Wm. Kleinsorge, attorney, city directory 1914]

Last edit 5 months ago by Deborah Gordon
Displaying pages 11 - 15 of 72 in total