The Secretary thanked the Board for this liberal gift.
The Secretary was instructed to look up the old records in regard to graves in the cemetery with some persons claimed they had paid for.
The following names were presented for membership. Ned Liche proposed by Rabbi Fried 1.10 per month and F.B. Hasenberg proposed by Leo Garfinkle 1.10 per month. On motion it was ordered that both be placed on the roll of membership.
Nothing further appearing the meeting adjourned.
Leon Salomon Secretary
Regular Monthly Meeting
Sacramento, June 2, 1914
The Board of Officers of the Congregation B'nai Israel met at 8 P.M. at 814 K Street. Mr. Max Simon President in the chair and Sam Stone V.P. Roll Call, present: Max Simon, President. Isidor Cohen, Treasurer. Leon Salomon, Secretary. B. Frommer, Albert Elkus, Chas. P. Nathan, L.G. Reynolds. Absent: Leo Garfinkle and Phil Hirsch.
Minutes of regular meeting April 7th read and approved.
The question of fixing a price on perpetual care of graves was brought before the meeting. Mr. Stone moved that the price be fixed for 150.00 for each grave and that such funds deriving from it to be kept separate in bank. The motion was seconded by Mr. Isidor Cohen and carried. The cemetery was authorized to look after the cemetery to be kept in good order.
A communcation from Mr. Albert Elkus was read thanking the Board and congregation for the sentiments expressed in the engrossed Resolution. No further business appearing the meeting adjourned.
Leon Salomon, Secretary
Special Meeting
Sacramento, August 19, 1914
The board of officers met at 814 K. at 8 P.M. Mr. Max Simon, President called the meeting to order, absent Albert Elkus, B. Frommer, and Leo Garfinkle.
Minutes of previous meeting read and approved.
The resignation of Henry Myers as a member of the congregation and was laid over. The vice president stated that he was [?see?] Mr. Myers.
The choir for the Holidays was left in the hands of the president and rabbi and they were instructed to have special music on the eve of the day of Atonement.
The price for seats was made the same as last year, except the 2 rows of front seats to be for nonmembers at 4.50 each.
The president stated that it would be advisable to look for a piece of property for the cemetery as we may at any time be prevented from burying there. Mr. Chas. P. Nathan, Sam Stone & Phil Hirsch were appointed as a committee for that purpose and to report at our annual meeting.
The building committee were give full power to ask if anything had to be done at the temple.
Communication from the Hebrew United Brotherhood of Charlotte N.C. asking assistance to build a temple. On motion it ws ordered that we donate the sum of $5.00 and order drawn on treasurer for the amount. Nothing further. The meeting adjourned.
Leon Salomon Secretary
Sacramento, October 8, 1914
The board of officers met at the store of Mr. Max Simon at 8 P.M. Present President Max Simon, Vice President Sam Stone, Treasurer Isidor Cohen, Secretary Leon Salomon, and trustees B. Frommer, Chas. P. Nathan, Phil Hirsch & Leo Garfinkle. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved.
The resignations of Henry Myer as a member of the congregation which was laid over at the last meeting at the request of Mr. S. Stone was again taken up and accepted.
Communication from the Hebrew United Brotherhood of Charlotte, N.C. dated Sep. 9, 1914 acknowledging receipt of 5.00 donation and thanking us for the same. Ordered received and placed on file.
The cemetery reported that they had made arrangements for the laying of cement walk as per contract $99.00 that the same was done and the bill for same ordered paid.
Bill from M. Hirsch and Sons for material furnished to Mr. Freese, plumber [Note], to fix the radiator in the temple 51.38 and bill of Mr. Freese for labor on same for 93.50 was read and ordered paid.
Bill from Burgess and Olson for 2 chairs for the pulpit for 28.80 net was ordered paid.
No further business appearing, the meeting adjourned.
Leon Salomon, Secretary
[Note: Albert F. Freese, plumber, Hirsch & Son]
Sacramento, November 5, 1914
The board of officers of the Congregation B'nai Israel met at Mr. Sam Stone's place of business at 8 P.M. Mr. Stone, president, called the meeting to order. At the roll call, Israel Lovich and Max Simon noted absent.
Minutes of last meeting read and approved.
A communication from Mr. Max Simon dated October 27th offering his resignation as a trustee was read and on motion was not accepted and the secretary instructed to communicate with Mr. Simon that it is the wish of Board to reconsider his resignation and remain on the board.
The cemetery committee reported that they have the front of the cemetery between the fence and the cement walk [?lined] so as to conform with walk and a bill for $30.50 was presented. On motion it was ordered that the action of the committee be approved and the bill paid.
The chair appointed the following standing committee on School Chas. P. Nathan and Israel Lovich on Building B. Frommer and Leo Garfinkle on Finance Israel Lovich and Phil Hirsch on Choir Dr. Reynolds and Max Simon
Phil Hirsch was authorized to have a pan placed under the motor and the building committee to see that the seats be so fixed as not to make the noise when persons sit down or move in it.
Financial Report Balance cash with treasurer on Nov. 1, 1914 455.18 Receipts during month from Collector 259.30 From Jaffee's daughters for memorial 20.00 ---------- 734.48 Paid out as per warrants from 2124 to 2134 414.18 ---------- Balance in treasury 320.30
No further business the meeting adjourned.
Leon Salomon, Secretary
Trustees Meeting
Sacramento, February 4, 1915
The Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees Congregation B'nai Israel met at the place of Sam Stone at 8 P.M. Mr. Sam Stone, President, called the meeting to order. Vice President Phil Hirsch and I. Lovich, trustees, noted absent. Minutes of last meeting read and approved.
A Committee from the Judea Society was present at the meeting, represented by D. Singer, H.J. Litzberg & M. Rothholz [Note 1], ask permission to hold their meeting in the Vestry Room of the Temple on (Sunday nights) alternate Sundays & permission to have their class. They are willing to contribute for lights, fuel oil and pay their janitor. The President stated that he had given permission to use the room. On motion it was ordered that the action of the President be approved & that the club can continue to use the vestry room on the alternate Sundays, providing they are not to make any noise. And if any complaint is made that the President should investigate.
Mr. Max Simon, having refused to reconsider his resignation, his resignation was accepted.
The Judea Club made a donation to the congregation of $5.00.
A communication from Simon Wolf, Chairman Board of Delegates in regard to the Immigration bill now before the Senate. No action was taken as the bill has been vetoed by the President of the U.S. [Note 2]
No further business, the meeting adjourned.
Leon Salomon Secretary
[Note 1: Harry J. Litzberg, men's furnishings, Max or Morris Rothholz, 1914 city directory]
[Note 2: "In 1915, B’nai B’rith’s leaders interceded with U.S. President Woodrow Wilson to veto the proposed Burnett Immigration Bill, whose stringent literacy test and increased “head tax”—a mandatory fee imposed on those arriving in the United States—was intended to bar many from entering."]