Bnai Israel Minute Book, vol. 3, part 2: 1912-1929



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Regular Monthly Meeting

[Crossed out: Sacramento, February 4, 1915 The board of officers of the congregation B'nai Israel met at 919 K at 8 P.M. President S. Stone presiding. At the roll call Mr. Chas P. Nathan was noted absent. Minutes.]

Regular monthly meeting of the board of officers of the Congregation B'nai Israel.

Sacramento, March 4, 1915

The board met at 919 K at 8 P.M. Mr. Sam Stone, president, presiding. Trustee Mr. Chas. P. Nathan noted absent. Minutes of previous meeting deferred reading.

Mr. Israel Lovich stated that on Friday evenings after services would be a better thing for the officers to meet in place of Thursdays. And he therefore moved that it be so changed. Mr. Phil Strich seconded the motion. An amendment was offered to let the matter rest until next meeting as Mr. Chas. P. Nathan was absent as through him, the meeting was changed from Friday evening to the 1st Thursday of each month. The amendment was carried.

The cemetery committee reported that during the last storm a tree was torn over the fence and damaged the same considerable. The committee was given full power to have the fence repaired.

Mr. Hirschfeld asked to resign from the congregation temporarily. The board allowed him to remain on the books until September 1, 1915. Mr. N. Licht also stated that for the present he is not able to keep up his dues, that later on he would pay what he owes. The board also extended to him to September 1, 1915.

Last edit 6 months ago by Deborah Gordon
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Mr. Lovich stated that the University extension club is been formed and ask the board for the privilege to hold their lectures in the temple, that they would be willing to donate enough to pay for the fuel and lights. On motion it was ordered that the privilege be granted.

The matter of insuring the employees of the congregation was brought to the attention of the meeting. The president was instructed to see how much it would cost to insure the collector, the cleaner and the person in charge of the cemetery.

No further business appearing, the meeting adjourned.

Leon Salomon Secretary

Last edit 6 months ago by Deborah Gordon
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Trustee Meeting

Sacramento, June 3, 1915

The board of officers of the Congregation B'nai Israel met at 919 K at 8 P.M. Mr. Sam Stone, President, in the chair. The roll call Mr. I. Lovich noted absent. Minutes of last meeting dispensed with.

The president stated that the Zemansky family wanted to put a high curbing around the grave adjoining the grave of the Harris family which has a low curbing, the President that he had received a letter from relatives of Harris stating that they were willing that the Zemansky family could use the 1/2 of their curbing providing they don't put up any higher than theirs but not under any circumstances allow them the run if higher curbing is put on. And in order to allow the Zemansky to put on a high curbing it would require to give 7 inches more ground. On motion it was ordered that permission be granted for high curbing.

As the funds of the congregation were growing low and that we would run short of meeting the necessary expenses, it was moved and duly seconded that the president be authorized to borrow $250.00. The motion was carried. Mr. Chas. P. Nathan stated that he would advance the money but the board did not take any action.

It was reported that some of the ceiling came down again. The trustees were reported to have same fixed and get bids.

The following resignations were accepted. E.L. Lesser, B.L. Haas & Geo Levy. The price for seats of the coming holidays were to be fixed the same as last year.

The meeting adjourned.

Leon Salomon Secretary

Last edit 6 months ago by Deborah Gordon
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Sacramento, October 7, 1915

The board of officers met at 8 P.M. Mr. Sam Stone, president, in the chair, a quorum being present. Mr. I. Lovich and D[r]. L.G. Reynolds were noted absent. Minutes of last meeting read and approved.

[margin note: Communication] A communication from the Congregation B'nai Israel, Monroe, La. stating that they desire to erect a new temple and ask us to contribute $1.00. Ordered received, placed on file and that we donate the sum of $1.00.

A communication from Mrs. Pepper [Note] was read asking the privilege of the use of our pipe organ for the purpose of practicing and give lessons - also a letter from Mr. Bonnheim asking to grant the the use of same. Mr. Frommer moved that the privilege be not granted. Mr. Hirsch seconded the motion and was carried. The secretary was instructed to communicate with Mrs. Pepper and tell that others have also asked permission and that we have refused it.

The committee on bylaws were granted further time. Mr. Leo Garfinkle addressed the board in regard to the sickness of Mr. Fried, that it has cost over $700.00 and ask that 300.00 be given to the Doctor Fried to help pay the bills and on motion of Mr. Garfinkle, the board would recommend the subject matter to the members at their annual meeting.

No further business appearing, the meeting adjourned.

Leon Salomon, Secretary

[Note: Ruth Pepper, teacher with Homer Henley, 1914 city directory]

Last edit 5 months ago by Deborah Gordon
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Regular Meeting

Sacramento, November 4, 1915

Mr. Stone, president called the meeting to order. Roll call, Treasurer Isidor Cohen absent. Minutes of previous meeting approved.

A letter from J. Asher [Note] was read and asked for his resignation from the congregation to take effect from November 1, 1915. The resignation was accepted.

Mr. Frommer stated that he would pay the amount of J. Asher dues. E.A. Cohn applied for membership which was accepted.

Mrs. Flora Ross spoke to the president, Mr. Stone, that she wants a contract from the congregation to her perpetual care of the grave of Elkan Coney that she would pay $150.00. The president was authorized to make such contract.

The chair appointed the following committees on Building B. Frommer, Leo Garfinkle and Chas. P. Nathan. Choir Rabbi Fried and L.G. Reynolds and Singer. Finance Committee Jos Wahrhaftig and Wm. Abramovitz.

No other business appearing, the meeting adjourned.

Leon Salomon, Secretary

[Note: Julius Asher]

Last edit 5 months ago by Deborah Gordon
Displaying pages 21 - 25 of 72 in total