Sacramento, March 9, 1916
The board of officers of the Congregation B'nai Israel met at 919 K St. at 8 P.M. Mr. Sam Stone, president, called the meeting to order. All present except D[r.] L.G. Reynolds.
Minutes of last meeting read and approved. A communication from Mr. David Lubin was read as follows.
Sacramento, February 21, 1916 Albert Elkus, Esq. Sacramento Dear Mr. Elkus Enclosed cheque is for synagogue $50.00.
The secretary stated that the above letter was handed to him from Mr. Elkus with the cheque and he paid same over to the treasurer. On motion it was ordered that the secretary be authorized to communicate with Mr. Lubin and to thank him for his generous gift.
The matter of looking for a piece of ground for a cemetery was again brought before the meeting and the committee instructed to see if they couldn't select a suitable ground. The president stated that he sold a grave to the heirs of Mark Harrison for $150.00 and handed the bill to Mr. Conger [Note], administrator of the estate. No further business being in order The meeting adjourned.
Leon Salomon Secretary
[Note: Horace W. Conger, Ft. Sutter Nat'l Bank]
Board Meeting
Sacramento, May 4th, 1916
The Board met at 8 P.M. at 919 K Street. Mr. President Sam Stone called the meeting to order. Roll call and absentees noted. Minutes of last meeting read and approved.
The Committee on Ground for Cemetery reported that they were to hear from parties about a piece of land.
A communication from Central Conference of American Rabbis dated Evansville, Ind., April, 1916 from the committee on solicitation of funds for superannuated Rabbis by annual contributions. On motion it was ordered that the communication be received and that our congregation contribute the sum of $5.00 annually for that purpose.
No further business appearing the meeting adjourned.
Leon Salomon Secretary
The Board of Officers met at 919 K Street October 1916. Quorum being present, Mr. S. Stone, President presiding. The minutes of previous meeting read and approved.
The President stated that he had given a grave at the cemetery to the Secretary for the burial of his son for the past services rendered to the congregation of our Secretary. On motion, the action of the President was approved. The Secretary tendered his thanks to the Board.
The President stated that he heard that Miss Jackson was not satisfied with the amount she gets for singing and asked for a raise, that she would sing for $15.00 a month. On motion, it was ordered that the salary of Miss Jackson be fixed at $15.00 commencing from November 1, 1916. Mr. Leo Garfinkle spoke in regard to the lectures of Rabbi Fried, that he should give a series of lectures in place of taking for his themes from the Bible. A committee of 2 & the President were appointed to wait on the
Rabbi to have him comply with the request. Committee consisting of Leo Garfinkle, B. Frommer and the president. The board instructed the secretary that when he sends out notes for the annual meeting to state that the temple is in need of repairs inside as well as outside and it would be necessary to raise funds for this purpose.
No further business appearing, the meeting adjourned.
Leon Salomon Secretary
Sacramento, March 7, 1917
The officers of the board met at Mr. Stone's place of business at 8 P.M. Mr. Stone, president, called the board to order. Absent D. Ossry, Max Simon & D. Singer.
Quorum being present. The president stated that the object of the meeting was for the purpose of raising funds for the congregation. Having to pay shul asssessment amounting over $500.00. On motion of Mr. Jos. Wahrhaftig it was orderd that a committee of 3 be appointed to interview the members of the congregation to have them to subscript for that purpose. The committee appointed consisting of B. Frommer, Isidor Cohen & Sam Stone. The president reported that the fence at the cemetery needed repairs. The president and vice president were authorized to have the fence fixed.
It was reported that Mr. Ed Bonnheim, the administrator of the estate of A. Bonnheim asked what it would cost to take care of the plat of A. Bonnheim and if he wants to take perpetual care of the whole plat included in the iron [?fair] to ask $1000.00 and the matter be referred to Rabbi Fried
to whom Mr. Ed Bonnheim spoke to.
No further business, the meeting adjourned. Before adjourning Mr. Nathan who had advanced to the congregation presented 2 notes of $200.00 for the president to sign.
Leon Salomon Secretary
B. Frommer 25.00 donate
Sacramento, October 18, 1917
The Board of officers of the congregation B'nai Israel met at 8 P.M. Mr. Stone, president, called the meeting to order. Present Mr. Isidor Cohen, treasurer, Mr. Max Simon, C.P. Nathan & D. Singer.
A communication from Miss Rothholz applying for the position as organist of the congregation. Mr. Stone stated that when Miss Lichthardt [Note 1] was engaged that it was with the understanding that she would hold the position for the end of the season.
Latourrette & Fical [Note 2] submitted a bid for the alterations of the heating of the congregation, Mr. S. Fleishman being present representing the firm explaining the work to be done. The board by a vote decided to refer the matter to the members of the congregation at the annual meeting on October 28th.
On motion it was ordered that the $400.00 loan for Mr. Chas. P. Nathan be paid. The president stated that the contract with the rabbi would commence on September 1st, 1918 and suggested that as long as the election of officers will take place on Sunday, October 28th, the secretary was instructed to state on the postal card notice that the election of rabbi would also take place. The president was authorized to purchase wood and coal. No further business, the meeting adjourned. Leon Salomon, Secretary
[Note 1: Mary Lichthardt, music teacher, 1917 city directory] [Note 2: Latourrette-Fical, Plumbers, Steam and gas fitters, 1917 city directory]
Regular Meeting
Sacramento, November 8th, 1917
The board of officers of the congregation met at Mr. Stone, 919 K at 8 P.M. Mr. Sam Stone, president, presiding. Roll call, all present except Mr. S.J. Lubin & [?J.?] Minutes of last meeting read and approved.
The chair appointed the various committees Choir Rabbi Fried & H.L. Stich on Cemetery the vice president & president and on motion Mr. Isidor Cohen was added to that committee on Finance Max Simon & U. Ahronheim
Mr. Martin reported that he seen several firms in regard to the heating of the temple and that the firm of Hadley who will have the generator so as to shut off any part of the temple at a contract of $52.00 and if any other repairs necessary to have it done.
Mr. Binder, chairman of the Ways & Means stated that he wanted a list of the members, their addresses & the amount they pay for dues. Also such names as may be included to become members of the congregation, that he intends to have letters & a financial report mailed to each and every member and that he and Mr. Stich, the other of the comittee, would call on everyone in person to get increase of dues. Mr. Binder was given full power in the matter.
Mr. Stone stated that Ladies B.S. had at their last meeting authorized the loan of $400.00 but since that meeting had been reported that the meeting was not legal. On motion it was ordered that a committee be appointed to appear before the next meeting of the Ladies B.S. to speak & ask their assistance so as to enable the congregation to pay back the $400.00 due to Mr. Chas. P. Nathan.