Bnai Israel Minute Book, vol. 3, part 2: 1912-1929



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And the following committee was appointed Leo Garfinkle, Herman Davis & Mr. Binder. The president was added to that committee. Mr. Samuel Brown on recommendation of Mr. Binder was elected a member of the congregation.

The board decided to have the regular monthly meeting to take place on Friday evening after the services and that the rabbi be invited to be present, in order that the services might be more interesting.

No futher business appearing the meeting adjourned.

Leon Salomon, Secty.

Sacramento, [crossed off: November] 12th of P. 1917

The board of officers of the congregation B'nai Israel met at 9 P.M. Mr. Sam Stone, president, presiding, the following were present. Mr. H.A. Binder, vice president, Max Simon, Isidor Cohen and U. Ahronheim P.

The reading of the minutes of the last meeting postponed on account of the absence of the secretary. Mr. U. Ahronheim acted as secretary pro tem. The president reported that he received $150.00 for the grave of the late Mr. Jos. Nathan and $50.00 for grave to Mr. Rubenstein. Mr. Binder reported the sending out of letters to members and nonmembers of the congregation, asking their cooperation in looking after the needs of the synagogue and that he had followed up their letters with personal calls which had met with encouragement. He asked for a committee of eight to continue

Last edit 5 months ago by Deborah Gordon
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the work. Several new members were secured and a few raised their dues. A contribution of $12.00 was received from Mrs. P.S. Wahrhaftig from Orangevale and asking to have her dues changed from 1.00 to $2.00 a month. Mr. Ahronheim remarked that interest in the synagogue is decreasing and that it should be revived by active work for the welfare of the community and in war work. The war requires the personal help and financial assistance of every good Americans and the world looks to the Jew to do his part in this crisis. Bender, it is only by such active interest that the Jews will be able to bring about the freedom of their brethren in their countries where they are oppressed and persecuted.

Mr. Bender moved that funds be raised for Jewish war relief, and that a speaker be brought from San Francisco to make an appeal for contributions. Mr. Binder also ask that special efforts be made to have a large attendance at services the first Friday night in January.

There being no further business the meeting adjourned.

U. Ahronheim, Secretary pro tem

Last edit 5 months ago by Deborah Gordon
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Trustees Meeting

Sacramento, December 28, 1917

The board of officers of the Congregation B'nai Israel met in the temple at 9 P.M. Mr. Sam Stone, president, presiding. At the roll call, the following were noted absent. Herman Davis, S.J. Lubin & Leo Garfinkle.

The reading of minutes approved of last meeting. The president reported that he received the $400.00 from the Ladies Benevolent Society and give them a note for it and paid the amount to Mr. Chas. P. Nathan in the notes.

Mr. Binder, chairman of the Committee on Ways & Means to have members to raise their dues and to get new members reported progress. That he had secured some new members and the following raised their dues. Mr. Isidor Cohen from 10.60 to 12.60, U. Ahronheim from 2.00 to 3.60, Mr. Binder from 2.60 to 3.60 and he had cards prepared which were given to the committee to see them in person and report at next meeting.

No further business appearing, the meeting adjourned.

Leon Salomon, Secretary

Sacramento, April 2, 1918

Board met at 9 P.M. Mr. S. Stone president presiding. The following were noted absent. U. Ahronheim, S.L. Stich, S. Lubin & Herman Davis. Minutes of last meeting dispensed reading. Mr. Binder stated that the planking needed repairing in the vestry room.

The question of finding a suitable place for a cemetery whenever same would be ordered closed. Mr. Isidor [Cohen] noted that he would give $3000.00 if a convenient place could be bought. No other business appearing, the meeting adjourned.

Leon Salomon, Secretary

Last edit 6 months ago by Deborah Gordon
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Sacramento, September 8, 1918

Special meeting

The board of officers of the Congregation B'nai Israel met at the Hotel Sacramento at 2 P.M. Mr. H.A. Binder, vice president, in the chair. At the roll call Mr. Leo Garfinkle noted absent.

The acting president stated the object of the meeting was to grant Rabbi Fried leave of absence and read the following letter.

[Note: letter from Rabbi Fried can be seen on page 27 of Correspondence, transcribed text follows:


September 8th, 1918

To the board of trustees of Cong. "B'nai Israel",

Gentlemen: - I am requested by the Jewish Welfare Board to offer my services for 6 months, as Rabbi at the camps and render assistance to the Jewish soldiers in the camps. I feel that it is my patriotic duty to do my share in these times of stress and storms in whatever capacity I may be able. I am sure that you also feel that even at a sacrifice, your patriotism will prompt you to grant me a leave of absence for 6 months, so that both you and your rabbi shall prove that we are loyal and patriotic citizens of our beloved country.

Before leaving, I shall make arrangements, that the activities of our congregation shall continue, during my absence, without interruption, as far as possible, and that the Congregation will not suffer to any degree, during these 6 months.

Hoping that you will unanimously look at this matter in the proper light, and that you will decide in a manner that will be best for all concerned, and assuring you that I will abide by your intelligent decision, I am Your rabbi Michael Fried]

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Mr. S. J. Lubin moved that in conformity with the request received from the Jewish Welfare Board and as a patriotic service and as a contribution to our government and the cause of Judaism as presented so nobly by those Jews who are in the service of the United States Army and Navy, we the Congregation B'nai Israel of Sacramento offer to the Jewish Welfare Board beginning October 1, 1918, the services of our rabbi for the period of 6 months and that this time be extended to nine months on the discretion of the President or acting President of the Congregation. Mr. H.L. Stich seconded the motion which was carried.

Mr. Lubin moved that in the absence of the rabbi, the acting president be responsible for the conduct of the services, that the president or acting president be authorized to invite any speaker of any faith to occupy the pulpit during services on Friday evenings or any other time. Mr. Davis seconded the motion which prevailed.

No other business appearing, the meeting adjourned.

Leon Salomon, Secretary

[Note: written motion by Lubin can be found on page 28 of Correspondence]

Last edit 6 months ago by TKMorris
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