Bnai Israel Minute Book, vol. 3, part 2: 1912-1929



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Sacramento, June 5th, 1919

Special meeting

The Board of Trustees met at the Sacramento Hotel at 8 P.M. Mr. H.A. Binder called the meeting to order, then stated the object of the meeting was to elect a treasurer of this congregation to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Isidor Cohen. Mr. Herman Davis, Leo Garfinkle, L.H. Stich and M. Simon were noted absent.

Mr. Chas. P. Nathan was placed in nomination as treasurer, there being no other nominations Mr. Chas. P. Nathan was unanimously elected treasurer. Mr. Chas. P. Nathan accepted the office. The secretary was instructed to notify Mr. Chas. Goldsmith, acting treasurer, to turn over the books, papers and money to Mr. Chas. P. Nathan. The secretary was instructed to notify the Mr. Frommer and Mr. Kiesel [Note], the executors of the will of our late treasurer Mr. Isidor Cohen, that Mr. Chas. P. Nathan has been elected treasurer.

On motion it was ordered that a committee be appointed by the chair to draft a set of resolutions in respect to our late member Isidor Cohen and to be engrossed and presented to the relations of Mr. Isidor Cohen. The chair appointd Rabbi M. Fried, Leo Garfinkle and Herman Davis. There being no other business the meeting adjourned.

Leon Salomon, Secretary

[Note: Fred W. Kiesel and B. Frommer, from Vol. correspondence]

Last edit 5 months ago by Deborah Gordon
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Special Meeting Board

Sacramento, June 20th, 1919

Pursuant to a call from the president a special meeting was called to be held at the temple after the services.

The meeting was called by the president H.A. Binder who stated the purpose of the meeting in regard to a communication from Devlin & Devlin. Roll call, all present except H.L. Stich and U. Ahronheim.

The following letter was read.

[See Vol. Correspondence for letter from Devlin & Devlin, dated June 12, 1919]

A general discussion followed raising the salary of the rabbi and to freeing him from indebtedness under which it developed he was laboring. A committee was appointed composed of Herman Davis and Leo Garfinkle to ascertain the amount of such indebtedness and to report thereon at the next regular meeting of the trustees to be held June 27, 1919

Last edit 5 months ago by Deborah Gordon
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and on motion was ordered received and spread on minutes and the Secretary instructed to acknowledge of same.

The following resolution was read, ordered received, spread on minutes in full and the Trustees authorized to have a plate made in memory of Isidor Cohen to be placed in the Temple. And a copy of the resolution be presented to the relatives of Isidor Cohen. It was so ordered.

[Document taped into book has been removed, see Vol. Correspondence, page 10]

Last edit 5 months ago by Deborah Gordon
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It was moved and duly seconded that a special meeting be held in September for the purpose of submitting the bylaws for adoption.

Mr. Isidor Brown and Max Simon were added to the Building Committee.

The Secretary was instructed to communicate with White & Miller in relation to the bequest of Estate [Quickey??] who willed $100.00 to our congregation and to J.A. Wiener executor of the will of Koppit to ascertain if there is any probability of getting the [70.00?] by the [??rest of] the congregation. No further business appearing the meeting adjourned to meet again next Friday evening after the services.

Leon Salomon, Secretary

Last edit 5 months ago by Deborah Gordon
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Sacramento June 29, 1919

The Special meeting of the Board of Officers met after the services. Mr. H.A. Binder President presiding. Full board being present.

The committee appointed at last meeting to report on the indebtedness of Rabbi Fried reported that they find his indebtedness to be $638.00. On motion it was ordered that the Board donate the sum of $700.00 to be pay his debts and the balance for his vacation. The President and Treasurer were authorized to borrow 700.00 for that purpose.

The nonmember price for seats for the coming holidays was fixed at 2.00 and the Secretary authorized to send out double postal cards in regard to securing seats and the chart to be left at the store of Leo Garfinkle.

The President stated that we would have a meeting of the Board in the month of September for the purpose of considering the bylaws for the congregation.

No further business appearing the meeting adjourned.

Leon Salomon Secretary

Trustees 1919-1920 [Margin Note President] H.A. Binder [Margin Note Vice President] Isidor Brown 1024 J St resigned [Margin Note Treasurer] Chas. P. Nathan 604 J St [Margin Note Secretary] Caesar Rothholz Herman Davis 1014 K Albert Elkus 830 K Jack Rubel c/o WL & Co. Irvin Heilbron 829 K Henry Haas 526 K Gus Marks 417 K [Margin note Vice President] Max Simon 814 K [Margin Note Honorary] Leon Salomon 1324 19th Mrs. Gus Marks Mrs. Max Simon

Last edit 5 months ago by Deborah Gordon
Displaying pages 36 - 40 of 72 in total