Sacramento, December 12, 1919
The Special Meeting of the Board of Trustees met after services, above date at Temple B'nai Israel. President H.A. Binder in the chair. Absentees being noted as follows. Herman Davis, Irving Heilbron, Henry Haas and Gus Marks. On motion, it was moved that the reading of the minutes of last meeting be dispensed with. On motion of Mr. Simon it was ordered that the Ladies' Auxillary appoint two of their members to attend the meeting of the Trustees and act in conjunction with the Trustees on the affairs of the Congregation.
It was moved and seconded that a committee of three be appointed for the purpose of consulting the Rabbi towards showing a friendly feeling to all Jews in Sacramento, whether members of our congregation or not, to the end of increasing membership in the Temple B'nai Israel or the suspending of the choir and other expenses or to devise some method of meeting the present increased cost of maintenance and for the Rabbi to come before the full board.
President Binder advised the Board that the committees for the ensuing year would be notified by the Secretary.
Committee appointed as follows. No further business appearing, the member adjourned.
Caesar Rotholz Secretary
[See Correspondence, page 6 for members and purposes of the following committees
Special committee to see Rabbi Fried Trustees Committee on Finance House Committee Ritual Committee Cemetery Committee]
[See Correspondence, page 7 for members and purposes of the following committees Music Committee Committee on By Laws Sunday School Committee Membership Committee]
Sacramento, Jan 12, 1920
The monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees was held at the Hotel Sacramento. President H.A. Binder in the chair. Absentees being noted as follows. Albert Elkus, Irvin Heilbron and Chas. P. Nathan.
President H. A. Binder instructed the Secretary to advise Mrs. Herman Davis of the Woman's Auxillary, to appoint two Members of the Society to meet with the Board of Trustees. Reading of the minutes of last meeting was read and the Secretary was instructed to change the name of Mr. Haas to Mr. Simon of a motion of last meeting.
On motion of Mr. Salomon, both communications of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations be placed on file and the Secretary instructed to answer them. [See Correspondence, pages 8 and 9]
Committee reported that they had a meeting with the Rabbi and that the Rabbi had asked for a thirty days for which to make arrangements for the financing of the congregation, upon a plan which he had devised, and which he was sure he could successfully carry into operation. The committee granted the Rabbi's request. On motion of Mr. Herman Davis, and seconded by Mr. Max Simon, the secretary was instructed to request the Rabbi to appear at a special meeting of the Trustees, to be held Feb. 4th, 8 P.M. at the Sacramento Hotel, and there present his plan for financing the congregation. No further business appearing, the members adjourned.
Caesar Rothholz Secretary
Sacramento, February 4, 1920
Special meeting of the board of trustees was held in Mr. Herman Davis store. President H.A. Binder in the chair. Absentees being noted as follows. Henry Haas, Irvin Heilbron, Chas. P. Nathan. Reading of the minutes of last meeting was read and the secretary instructed to put in the resolution of protest of Isidor Cohen's estate be put in last meeting's minutes.
The meeting was called for the purpose of receiving the rabbi's plans for financing the congregation and removing the financial difficulties. Rabbi Fried came before the board and make two propositions. First to raise the dues of members 50 per cent. Second to appoint a committee to go out and raise a fund to raise the development of the temple. Both proposals were rejected for the reason that it was shown that neither proposals could not raise the debt of the synagogue. Mr. Davis suggested that the rabbi voluntarily reduce his salary to his contract figure and his salary should be increased as new members will come in which was rejected. It was also shown by President H.A. Binder that the expense of the temple was $400.00 per month and the income was $217.00 per month, exclusive of holiday contributions and seat sale. Mr. Brown suggested to establish a temporary fund for two years for the purpose of relieving the financial difficulities of the congregation which should be done by voluntary subscription. It was estimated what amount could be raised by different methods of all the foregoing discussions. It was then moved by Mr. Davis and seconded by Mr. Elkus that there be created three classes of membership to be known as Ordinary, Contributing, and Sustaining.
Ordinary membership pay dues of $2.50 and upwards Contributing " " " of $5.00 " " Sustaining " " " of $7.50 " "
That the minimum membership be $2.50 per month. That Mr. Binder and Rabbi Fried be appointed a committee of two to give effect to this resolution, first,
by a letter addressed to every member of the congregation informing him of this action of the trustees and stating the class of membership in which the committee in the exercise of the discretion given them had placed such member. Second, that the committee personally interview any member who declined to continue his membership on the new basis and endeavor to get him to reconsider his decision.
[See Correspondence, page 13 for letter to congregation]
That the committee be allowed thirty days in which to make a full report of the success or failure of their efforts.
That this resolution be effective for two years, it being understood that the increase in dues made for the purpose of relieving the present financial embarrassments of the congregation.
No further business appearing the members adjourned.
Caesar Rothholz Secretary
Sacramento, February 12, 1920
The regular monthly meeting of the trustees was held at Hotel Sacramento. President H.A. Binder presiding. Absentees being noted Mr. & Mrs. Gus Marks, Irvin Heilbron, Albert Elkus. Reading of minutes of special meeting was read and all corrections and suggestions be made as suggested by Mr. Davis.
Mr. Brown of the Bylaws committee reported that part of the committee met and postponed the meeting until a full attendance of the committee. Mr. Haas of the Finance committee reported that they will have a full report next meeting. Mr. Binder reported that hes has been advised that Mrs. Annie Marks has bequested to the synagogue $1000.00 and which be paid as soon as the estate be distributed. Mr. Binder reported that the resolutions adopted at the monthly meeeting denying that this congregation authorized any application for the distribution of the Isidor Cohen's estate have by him presented to the executors of the Estate of Isidor Cohen. Mr. Simon moved that a memorial table
be put in the synagogue. President Binder appointed Mr. Simon a committee of one to design a memorial tablet in the Temple and bring the cost of installing the tablet in the Temple at the next meeting of the Trustees. Communication from the Union of Hebrew Congregations was read. Mr. Brown moved that the communication be referred to the Rabbi with request what action we should take as to the contents of the letter from the Union of the Hebrew Congregations.
Mr. Brown requested to resign as a member of the Board of Trustees. On motion of Mr. Davis that the request of Mr. Brown be denied and a vote of confidence be extended to him.
No further business appearing the members adjourned.
Caesar Rothholz Secretary
Sacramento, March 10, 1920
Regular monthly meeting of the Trustees was held at Hotel Sacramento. President H.A. Binder presiding. Absentees noted Irvin Heilbron, Albert Elkus, and Isidor Brown. Reading of minutes of last meeting was read and were adopted. Communications of Morris B. Rothholz, Leo Garfinkle, and Isidor Brown was read and put over under new business.
[See Correspondence, page 14 for response from Leo Garfinkle] [See Correspondence, page 15 for response from Morris Rothholz] [See Correspondence, page 12 for resignation of Isidor Brown]
Report of Bylaws committee reported progress. With approval of the Trustess, Mr. Simon as chairman of the house committee with the house committee to secure a memorial tablet to be placed in the Temple for the purpose of having names inscribed for persons who leaves bequests to the congregation.