


Status: Complete

Sacramento, November 30, 1898

The Board of Officers of the Congregation B'nai Israel
met in the synagogue at 8:00 P.M. Mr. Albert Elkus,
President, presiding.

Roll call, Treasurer Emil Steinman, School directors
H. Weinstock and J. Anchell absent.

Minutes of last meeting read and approved.
The chair appointed on the following committees.
On Building: Samuel Lavenson, A. Bonheim & H. Fraley.
Choir: H. Weinstock, L. Heilbron, W.S. Lavenson.
Finances and Seats: E. Steinman, L. Heilbron & L. Salomon.
Cemetery: L. Heilbron, S. Lavenson and J. Anchell.

The regular monthly salaries were allowed and warrants
drawn on the Treasurer as follows
Rabbi Simon 150.00
Col. M. Wilson 50.00
Mrs. Hanley, Organist 10.00
Mrs. Ross, singing in choir 10.00
Mohns, taking care of cemetery 15.00

The following bills were read and ordered paid
Capital Gas Co. 6.30
H.M. Porter painting roof 16.00 [Note]
S. Morris stationery .75
City, state and county taxe 43.50
M. Wilson for cutting wood 2.50

The president stated that he had instructed the
secretary to notify under the seal of the congregation
Mr. M. Wilson and Mr. N. Zemansky to appear before this
board on this evening for conduct unbecoming
in the house or in and in front of the synagogue
on last Friday night. The president stated
the case before the board, and on motion it was
ordered that Mr. Wilson be called in and to be reprimanded
by the board through Mr. Sam Lavenson for his
conduct on that Friday evening. Said reprimand was carried

Mr. N. Zemansky communicated through letter that on account
of his clerk not feeling well, he could not appear before the board.

[Note: H. Porter, carpenter, 1895]

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