


Status: Complete

Sacramento, March 27th, 1901

The Board met at the synagogue at 8 P.M.
Mr. Albert Elkus in the Chair.
Roll call, the following were noted absent:
Mr. H. Weinstock, Trustee and Mr. Mr. J. Anchell,
school director.
The minutes of last regular meeting were
dispensed with the reading.

Mr. Mark Levy tendered his resignation as a
member of the congregation, and on motion, the same
was accepted.

Mr. Hartman applied for membership
at the rate of $1.50 per month. On motion, it
was ordered that his name be placed on the roll
& the Secretary instructed to notify him of his
election as a member.

Mr. Heilbron stated that in regard to the
grave for Mrs. Litzberg, no price had been
mentioned, that Mr. Litzberg had selected a
choice plat. The Secretary was instructed
to present a bill for $50.00, the price as printed
in our Bylaws.

Mr. Heilbron stated that Mr. Sam Nathan
had spoken to him in relation to set aside
2 graves alongside the one of his son, one he
wishes to purchase, & the other he is entitled
to as a member of the old Hebrew Benevolent
Society, and would like to know the price
for such.

The Secretary was instructed to communicate
with Mr. Sam Nathan & state that the
price for nonmembers was $100.00.

Mr. Heilbron stated that he had a chart
made for the plats in the cemetery & would
be ready to report for next Sunday & that
a special meeting be held on Sunday
morning at 11:00 for the purpose of

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