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Special Meeting, November 6th, 1901

The Board met in the synagogue at 8 P.M.
Mr. Albert Elkus, president, president.
Roll call, Mr. Moses S. Lavenson noted absent.

Margin note:
Mr. Heilbron reported that he received $50.00 for the plat of Mr. Davis & paid the
same to the secretary.

The matter of application for Rabbi was taken
up for consideration. The president stated
that Rabbi Reynolds was in the city, but
that he came on business not connected with
application, but on some personal business of
his own. It was moved & seconded that
Mr. Reynolds be invited to conduct services
on next Friday evening and conduct the
Sabbath School on Sunday morning and
the sum of $25.00 be allowed for that purpose.
The motion prevailed.

The application of Rev. Kaplan was referred
to the president and the application of
Goldstein and Thomer to Mr. Weinstock.
It was moved & seconded that the Secretary
communicate with the Ladies Auxiliary Society
in regard to the cleaning of the synagogue
and asking them to have it done & that
the congregation would allow $6.00 monthly
for that purpose.

Moved & seconded that a vote of thanks be
tendered to Mrs. S. Lavenson for requesting
the congregation to consider her as a
member after leaving the city & paying
$2.50 per month.

The matter of the carpet was brought up by
Mr. Anchell, stating that the ladies complained
a great deal on account of the dirt & thought
the carpet should be taken up to be cleaned.
The matter was referred to the Building committee.

No further business appearing
the meeting adjourned

Leon Salomon

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