Sacramento, December 9th, 1901
The regular meeting of the board of officers of the
Congregation met in the synagogue at 8 p.m.
Mr. Albert Elkus, president, presiding.
Roll call, L. Heilbron & H.L. Stich noted absent.
Minutes of last meeting read and approved.
Mr. H. Fraley, committee of one appointed for the
purpose of explaining to Mr. Kozminsky the reason
of making members pay for seats, reported
that he has seen the gentleman and that he
said he would not pay for seats.
The president stated that he spoke to
Mr. Nathan Stein in regard to the amount
he owes for the plat of where his wife was buried
and that he promised to pay something on the
On motion it ws ordered that a vote of thanks
be tendered to Rabbi Reynolds for conducting
services on Friday evening and conducting
the Sunday School, having refused to
accept the $25.00 approved for that purpose.
On motion it was ordered that the treasurer
should loan out to $500.00 for one year and
$250.00 to deposit in some saving bank.
The chair appointed on the various
committees the same as they were last year.
On building: Mr. S. Lavenson, A. Bonheim &
H.L. Stich
On cemetery: L. Heilbron, J. Anchell & A. Bonheim
Choir: H. Weinstock, E. Steinman & H. Fraley
Finance: H.L. Stich, M. Lavenson, H. Weinstock
Seats: E. Steinman, H. Fraley, J. Anchell
The following bills were ordered paid
H.S. Crocker for 175 postal cards. 3.75
John Skelton, wood 8.50
Cap Gas Co. 1.23
The following regular salaries
were ordered paid & warrants drawn
on the treasurer for the amounts.
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