Sacramento, December 10th, 190[3]
The regular monthly meeting of the Board of officers of
the Congregation B'nai Israel was called to order in
the office of the president, Mr. Albert Elkus, who
At the roll call, the following were noted absent.
Vice President, B. Wilson, trustees H. Weinstock,
A. Bonheim and M.S. Lavenson.
Minutes of previous meeting read and approved.
Mr. Emil Steinman made a report for Mr. M.S. Lavenson
that he had the meter for gas and incandescent
lights disconnected at the synagogue, but so far
did not find any suitable place to store the
organ, chairs, etc., belonging to the congregation.
On motion, Mr. Emil Steinman was authorized to
advertise for a lot east of 9th, south of I, north
of P and west of 16th 40 x 80 on corner of alley
or 40 x 160 in block.
The president reported of having collected $25.00
marriage fees from Korn-Lewald [Note] and that a
coreligionist introduced by Mr. Lesser asked a
permit for marriage ceremony and that he could
not afford to pay the regular fee of $25.00 and that
on payment of $10.00, he gave him the permit.
On motion the action of the president was sustained.
A communication from Mr. Albert Gallatin, manager of
the Sacramento Electric, Gas & Railway Co. dated Nov. 21/03,
was read in relation to extending J Street
electric road east of the city. They estimate the
cost about $15,000.00 and that the company obligates
itself to maintain at least one half hour service
on said extensions and would require subscriptions
from the property owners for one half of the amount
or $7500.00 and asking our congregation
what amount they would subscribe.
Moved and duly seconded, that the communication be
received, placed on file and the secretary
instructed to answer same. That our congregation
is about to build a new house of
[Note: Joseph Korn, Bertha Lewald]
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