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Sacramento, January 8, 1904

The Board of Officers of the Congregation B'Nai Israel
met in the offices of the Odd Fellows Hall. Mr. Albert Elkus
President presiding.
The roll call of officers: all present except
Mr. H.L. Smith.
Minutes of last meeting read and approved.

Under the head of resignations, the Secretary
state that the collector had reported that
Mr. Louis Burk and Mr. Fineburgh
contributing members did not wish to contribute
any more and desired their names taken
off. The President stated that their resignation
could not be accepted in that manner
and the Secretary was instructed to notify the
gentlement that their resignations must be
made in writing.

The following bills were read and
ordered paid and warrants drawn on the
Treasurer for the amounts.
Hoosh and Son for removing seats $25.00
E.M. Levitch moving organ 8.00
Capital Sacramento Transfer Co. for
drayage to warehouse 9.75 for boxes and [rolls??]
and labor for packing 2.50 storage one month
to January 21/04 4.00 Total 16.25
James McClatchy and Co. for advertising $1.05

The monthly salaries for the month of December
were ordered paid.

Mr. L. Heilbron reported that Mrs. Louis Levy
offered $200.00 for 4 graves for her 3 children
and her son-in-law. On motion of Mr. Emil
Steinman and duly seconded, Mr. Heilbron
was authorized to accept the offer.
Mr. Heilbron also reported that the Rosenfelds
would like to purchase 2 graves.
On motion of Mr. W.S. Wahrhaftig and duly
seconded, Mr. Heilbron was authorized
to sell the graves for not less than 175.00.

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