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And third choice, the Lot 17 and K.
On motion it was ordered that the scrolls to be
moved to Mr. Emil Steinman's place of business
and that they be insured.

No further business appearing, the meeting

Leon Salomon, Secretary

Sacramento, February 8, 1904
Regular meeting

The board of officers met at Odd Fellows Hall at
9 P.M. Mr. Albert Elkus presiding.
Vice president, Mr. B. Wilson and school director,
Mr. M.S. Wahrhaftig noted absent.
Minutes of last meeting read and approved.

The following communication from the
Ladies Auxiliary Society was read.

To the Honorable Board of Directors of the
Synagogue B'nai Israel.

At a meeting held February 1/04, the Ladies Auxiliary
Society decided to donate three hundred dollars
or as much more as they could expend for the
furnishings of the sabbath school rooms in
the new synagogue.

Wishing you every success in the good work
you have on hand and hoping you will accept
our contributions with as much pleasure as
it affords us in the giving of it.

Very Sincerely,
Mrs. Louis Heilbron, president
Mrs. Emil Steinman, secretary

On motion, it was orderd that the donation be
accepted with a vote of thanks, and the secretary instructed
to answer same, and that it is highly appreciated.

The resignation of S.H. Harris as a member of
the congregation on account of leaving the city
was read and accepted on condition he pays last

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