month dues.
Resignation of Mr. J.B. Bloomberg as a contributing
member was read and on motion ordered received
and accepted on the same conditions as the former
Mr. Louis Heilbron reported that had sold
the lots in question to Mrs. Louis Levy for $200.00
and to the Misses Rosenfeld for $175.00 and had
giving deed for same. And give check to the
secretary for $375.00.
On motion, the secretary was instructed to
communicate with the Misses Rosenfeld
acknowledging the receipt of the money and tender them
an invitation to visit our place of worship that
they would at all times be welcome.
Bill from Mr. M.S. Wahrhaftig for $3.50 for
drawing instrument and notary fees was ordered
The regular salaries for the month of January
were ordered paid and warrants drawn on the
treasurer for the amounts.
Bill for rent Odd Fellows $10.00 and extra
rent for Sabbath school $5.00 was ordered paid.
Also 25¢ for W.P. Coleman Co. for transferring insurance.
Mr. Emil Steinman reported that the lot on
15 N and O and had an abstract, but certain
things yet [?nowhere] looking for a clear deed, but no doubt
all will be satisfactory.
On motion, it was ordered that the building
committee be authorized to draw a check
for $1800.00 as soon as clear title is given
and pay for the lot.
The building committee was instructed to
procure plans for a 2 story building for
auditorium, school rooms accommodation, etc.,
the cost not to exceed $8000.00. And after the
committee make their report, that a
special meeting of the members of the
congregation be called for the purpose
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