The bill from the secretary of the Union of American
Hebrew Congregations for $39.00, being half year
dues, was read. Mr. Weinstock suggested that with
the permission of the president, he would draw up a
circular letter to be sent to the members who do
not contribute the extra 10¢. And that in his mind
the object was a worthy one and that this congregation
should help in maintaining the Hebrew college.
There being no objection, the same was ordered.
There being a vacancy on the board, by the resignation
of Mr. M.S. Wahrhaftig, the board proceeded in
nominating and electing Mr. M. S. Jaffe to fill
the vacancy and the secretary was instructed to
notify of Mr. Jaffe.
The president, Mr. Albert Elkus stated that
he wish to thank the board and members of the
congregation for the floral piece and for the sympathy
extended to him and his family in their bereavement.
Mr. Hoen, the architect being present was invited
to to explain about the plan for the new synagogue.
The board, after careful examination, suggested some
changes in the plans and the one particularly
is the seating capacity and change the width
to 42 or 45 ft., also for the seats, in place of having
them straight, to have the benches 1/2 round
or 1/2 circle and Mr. Hoen was authorized to
make the changes in accordance.
The secretary was instructed to send out notices to
members and nonmembers and wifes of members
to be present at a general special meeting to be held
on the 27th inst. for the purpose of actions to be
taken on plan and specifications of the new
synagogue. No further business appearing,
the meeting adjourned.
Leon Salomon
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