


Status: Complete

Meeting of the Board of Officers
Sacramento, May 27, 1904

The board met in Unity Hall at 8:30 P.M.
Mr. Albert Elkus presiding.
Roll called and absentees noted.

Minutes of previous meeting April 1/04 read and
approved with the correction that the Secretary
was instructed to furnish Mr. M. Jaffe a copy
of the resolution passed and the congregation
meeting whereby the Board was authoried
to select property for the new synagogue.

The Building Committee was instructed
to call on Mr. Hoen the architect and
get bids on 2 different plans and report to
the President who is to call a meeting of the
Board and of the congregation thereafter.

The following communcation was received and
ordered in the minutes in full.

To the Officers and members of the Congregation
B'Nai Israel:
I appreciate more than words can tell,
the thoughtfulness and affection with prompted
you to present me with the beautiful set of
resolutions, indicating your esteem and respect
for my dear departed husband. I wish to also
thank you for the kind expressions of sympathy
contained therein.

Sincerely yours,
Mrs. Louis Elkus

San Francisco April 23, 1904

On motion of Mr. M.S. Jaffe it was ordered that
services be discontinued from this day for 3 months.
Mr. Wilcox was elected to become a member of the
congregation by paying $1.50 monthly.

The following bills were read and ordered paid
Harry W. Rivett for cleaning carpets and lining
taking up linoleum $14.10
M. Hirsch and Sons 2.08

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