

Status: Page Status Transcribed

Sacramento Gas and Railroad 1.00
H.S. Crocker and Co. .65
Odd Fellows Temple Association for rent 9.00
Herndon for repairing walls cemetery 30.00
Rabbi B.M. Kaplan expenses incurred
for confirmation 4.25

Communication from Mr. Litzberg resigning as
full member and asking to become a contributing
member at $1.00 a month was read
and the request granted.

The regular monthly salaries were ordered paid
and warrants drawn on the Treasurer for the amounts.
The Secretary reported that he had sent on
the letters asking members to pay the 10¢ extra
a month of those who have not paid the same
and that 42 have signified their willingness
and 12 refused to comply.

On motion it was ordered than an order be drawn on
the Treasurer for $39.00 in favor of the Secretary
of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations
for one half year dues.

No further business appearing the meeting

Leon Salomon

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