Special Meeting
Sacramento, June 23, 1904
The board of officers of the Congregation B'nai
Israel met with the officers of the Auxiliary
Society, the meeting was called to order by the
President, Mr. Albert Elkus in his store 9th & K.
The following were present.
Mr. Albert Elkus, B. Wilson, H. Weinstock,
M.S. Lavenson, Emil Steinman, M.S.
Jaffe and H.L. Stich of Board and Mrs. Albert
Elkus, Mrs. A. Nathan and Mrs. L. Berck of the
Ladies Auxiliary.
The plan and specification of the new synagogue
were taken up and suggestions were
made for several modifications and notably
the lower floor, that the height should be
10 feet clear from the floor to the ceiling, also
that the kitchen should be larger.
In the specifications, no mention was made
about the glazing.
On motion of Mr. Weinstock and seconded
by Mr. Jaffe, it was ordered that the plan and
specifications be referred back to the building
committee to have the ideas which had
been omitted in the specifications be added
and the changes made in the plan is suggested.
And the committee report at the earliest possible
to the President who shall then call a
meeting of the board.
Mr. Elkus asked if there would be any
objection of mailing circular letters to
persons that formerly belonged to the congregation
and ask them for contributions for the building
of the new synagogue, no objections were made.
No further business appearing, the meeting
Leon Salomon
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