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Total amount collected $791.50 and
amount sent 789.50 as per bank book.

A communication from the Ladies Auxiliary Society
was read informing this congregation that
on account of the depleted condition of the
Treasury, they find that they can no longer
pay for the salary of Miss Price as kindergarten
teacher in the Sunday school. The
communication was ordered received and the question
was how to retain Miss Price as teacher. It
was finally decided that we discontinue
the services of Mrs. Moeller and Mrs. Coppersmith. [Note]
On motion of Mr. Steinman, it was ordered
that it was the sense of the Board that
Miss Price be asked to continue teaching and to
receive $10.00 per month and that the
Secretary communicate with Miss Price to
that effect. Mr. Steinman made a motion
and seconded by Mr. Bonheim that the Secretary
notify Mrs. R.H. Hanley to dispense with
Mrs. Moeller and Mrs. Coppersmith from March 1, 1906.

The Secretary reported that Mrs. Weinstock
had presented the congregation with a
silver plated candelabra. The Secretary
was instructed to acknowledge receipt
with a vote of thanks.

A vote of thanks was offered to the Ladies Auxiliary
Society for their good work in making
the meeting on January 21 a grand success
for the banquet served on that evening.

On motion it was ordered that
a electrician be engaged to look after the
motor at the salary of $1.00 per month.

No further business appearing, the meeting

Leon Salomon

[Note: Mrs. Emma Coppersmith, vocalist andMrs. Frances Moeller, voice culture, choral director]

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