Sacramento, March 2nd, 1906
The Board met after services. Vice President
Mr. Louis Heilbron. Roll called. Present:
Louis Heilbron, H. Weinstock, A. Bonheim,
Saul Stone, M.S. Jaffe, L.H. Stich, Emil
Steinman and L. Salomon. Absent: Albert Elkus
and M.S. Lavenson.
Minutes of last meeting read and approved
The names of S. Lubin and Isidor Mitchel to become
members of the congregation were proposed and
elected. Mr. Lubin at the rate of 2.00 and Mr. Mitchell 1.00.
Bills for the electric light for 2 months amounting
to ___ were ordered paid and warrants drawn
on the Treasurer for the amount.
The matter of the choir was brought before the
meeting. Mrs. Hanley and Miss Price were asked to
be present in order to get their opinion about
forming a choir. Finally it was left in the hands
of Mrs. Hanley and Miss Price. And to use their
judgement in the matter, to arrange for the
services of the holidays.
On motion of Mr. Steinman and seconded by Mr. Jaffe
that the secretary notify the Rabbi to request
the congregation to rise when for during the
reading of responsive prayer -- the motion prevailed.
Mr. Bonheim spoke about Manual Training of the
Sabbath school class. On motion of Mr. Heilbron,
the matter was left with the school directors.
No other business appearing, the meeting adjourned.
Leon Salomon,
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