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Sacramento, June 26, 1908

The board of officers of the Congregation B'nai Israel
met at 9 P.M. President Mr. Albert Elkus
presiding. Marked present vice president S. Lubin,
treasurer Emil Steinman, secretary L. Salomon,
trustees Max Simon, school directors M.S. Jaffe
and A. Bonnheim.

Reading of previous meeting dispensed with.

The object of the meeting being to take steps for
a choir for the holidays, the question of having
a special choir of a quartet was spoken of
but the congregation not being in a financial
condition to pay 80.00, it was moved by Mr.
A. Bonnheim and seconded by Mr. Jaffe that the
board allow $40.00 for the special choir, which
was adopted by a vote taken and the president
was authorized to engaged same.

The treasurer reported that the funds of the
congregation were in such condition that the
obligations could not be met. On motion it was
ordered that the president be authorized to make
a loan of $300.00 to carry us over until after the

The resignation of Mr. S. Ash and Thos.
Lichtenstein was read and accepted.

No further business appearing
the meeting adjourned.

Leon Salomon

[Financial Report
Figures are all crossed out]

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