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Sacramento January 29, 1909

The Board of Officers of the Congregation B'nai
Israel met in the synagogue at 9 P.M.
Mr. Elkus, President, in the chair.

The following men were noted present. Mr. Albert Elkus,
S.J. Lubin, Emil Steinman, A. Bonnheim,
Isidor Cohen, Max Simon, B. Frommer,
H.L. Stich and and M.S. Jaffe. Absent: L. Salomon.
In the absence of the secretary, Mr. Stich acted in
that capacity.

Mr. A. Bonnheim on the Building Committee
reported that a leak in roof was repaired
and the cost of same to be 1.90.

Moved and seconded that all regular monthly
bills be allowed and warrants drawn on the
Treasurer for the various amounts, the motion

Moved by Mr. Frommer, and seconded by Mr. Cohen
that the Secretary be and as instructed to have
postal cards to be sent to all members requesting
them to attend the synagogue on Friday
evening February 12th on Lincoln anniversary
when Honorable Judge Burnett will lecture on that
evening. The motion was carried.

No further business appearing the meeting

H.L. Stich, Secretary Pro tem

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