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June 4, 1909
Special Meeting

The Board of Officers of the Congregation B'nai
Israel met at a special call, met Mr. S. Lubin
Vice President in the chair. Mr. Elkus, President,
Mr. Frommer and Jaffe trustees noted absent.

Mr. Bonnheim stated that Mr. R.T. McKisick [Note]
called on him requesting that some action be taken
regarding a paroled prisoner at Folsom
that Mr. McKisick had turned the entire
matter over to Mr. Albert Elkus but the latter
was called away from the city before he had
given the matter any attention. The dates of the
reports from the prison are April 4, 19, May 2 - 5, 22,
and 31. The matter was taken up the the
Board, the question was whether or not
employment could be secured for the person
and the money raised to buy clothes and the 25.00
deposit. On motion a
committee of 3 consisting of Rabbi Fried,
Isidor Cohen and Emil Steinman to investigate
and report on a special meeting to be called
for that purpose on next Monday evening.
An amendment by Mr. Bonnheim and seconded by
Mr. Stich that the committee shall have full
power to act. And the amendment prevailed.

No further business, the meeting

Leon Salomon, Secy

[Note: Robert T. McKisick, atty]

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