Mississippi. Militia. Cavalry Regiment, 2nd (Hill's)


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4 revisions
Lindsey Peterson (CWRGM Co-Director) at Oct 10, 2023 07:46 PMRevision changes

Mississippi. Militia. Cavalry Regiment, 2nd (Hill's)

The 2nd Cavalry Regiment, Mississippi Militia (Hill's) (Confederate) was organized on September 13, 1864 in Alcorn County, Mississippi under the command of Col. J. L. J. Hill and served in the Western Theater. (Howell, Jr., <i>Military History of Mississippi</i>, 40; Rowland, <i>Official and Statistical Register of Mississippi</i>, 932)

Mississippi. Militia. Cavalry Regiment, 2nd (Hill's)

The 2nd Cavalry Regiment, Mississippi Militia (Hill's) (Confederate) was organized on September 13, 1864 in Alcorn County, Mississippi under the command of Col. J. L. J. Hill and served in the Western Theater. (Howell, Jr., Military History of Mississippi, 40; Rowland, Official and Statistical Register of Mississippi, 932)