Newspapers--Chicasahen Advertiser


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4 revisions
Lindsey Peterson (CWRGM Co-Director) at Sep 16, 2024 07:29 PMRevision changes

Newspapers--Chicasahen Advertiser

Founded in 1856, the <i>Chickasaw Advertiser</i> was a weekly newspaper published in Quitman, Mississippi. It remained in publication until Union troops destroyed the newspaper office in 1864, reportedly by special orders from General William T. Sherman. (<i>The Belvidere Standard</i>, Belvidere, IL, March 15, 1864; Library of Congress)

Chicasahen Advertiser

Founded in 1856, the <i>Chickasaw Advertiser</i> was a weekly newspaper published in Quitman, Mississippi. It remained in publication until Union troops destroyed the newspaper office in 1864, reportedly by special orders from General William T. Sherman. (<i>The Belvidere Standard</i>, Belvidere, IL, March 15, 1864; Library of Congress)