Letter from F. S. Blount; May 14, 1864



Letter from F. S. Blount; May 14, 1864

Letter from F. S. Blount; May 14, 1864

Office of Chf Agt of Impressment Mobile May 14th 1864.


(1) I servd your new orders for the impressment of Negroes, prepared under the provisions of the Act of Congress of Feby 17th 1864., and a copy of that act with the instructions of the Adjt: & Inspr: General.

(2) These orders revoke all heretofore issued to you which come in conflict with them, and you will diligently follow the instructions contained in them.

(3) The negroes from your county now here have been retained in order that, if their owners desire it, they may be impressed. This is done to save the expense of transportation to the Government, of an unne-cessary trip home & back, which in several thousand negroes is a large item.

(4) All the negroes over and above those now required will be sent home immdiately on the number being furnished from each county.

(5) You will proceed at once, and without any delay to send the negroes forward, so that those now here, not required by these owners to remain, may be forthwith sent home.

(6) You will be careful to send some discreet white person with every gang of Negroes (not less than twenty) sent to this City.

(7) Their transportation, expenses and five dollars per day, will be paid them, while actually engaged in this Duty.)

Very Respy & c

Chief Agen & c

Last edit 5 months ago by Lindsey Peterson (CWRGM Co-Director)
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