Letter from H. M. Thompson to Mississippi Governor Charles Clark; January 21, 1864



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Yazoo City Jany 21 64

Gov Chas Clark Commander in Chief State of Mississippi

Dear Sir

Since my arrival here from Columbus, and during my absence, the Confederate Authorities have arrested some of my company and Conscripted them. I herewith enclose you a list of their names. Immediately after my return from Columbus, I sent Maj S. W. Dyer Commander & Conscription officer at Lexington, a copy of your order which he refused to recognize and treated it with perfect contempt, said that you had no authority for granting any such order, and that he intended arresting every man found in State service under the age of 45 years. It may be well for me to mention the class of men under his command. they are mostly deserters from other companies which they have forced to join them, and conscripts that have been laying out since the war began, many of them professional thieves and robbers, in fact the whole command is a terror to the citizens and a disgrace to the Confederate Army.

From the report of the company under my comm=and, made by me when in Columbus, you will see

Last edit 3 months ago by Lindsey Peterson (CWRGM Co-Director)
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that the command was organized, before this conscript law took effect, and the special order from the Secty of war, we were allowed to retain the conscripts then enlisted, and these men have been in service all the time, all of which I explained to Maj Dyer, who said that it was all illegal and that he would repack no such order

I had a copy of this order, which was lost with the balance of our Company papers when Snyder Bluff was evacuated

I have been expecting orders from you daily. and shall go into camp tomorrow with what men I have left, about thirty, I have made arrangements at [Vanghane?] Station to have any papers that may come, forwarded to me

I am very anxious to have some satisfactory understanding in relation to the conscripts in the company, whether I would give them up or not, and what to do about those that have been taken off.

Hoping, to hear from you soon on this subject.

I am with great respect Your very Obt. servant

H. M. Thompson Comg Yazoo Rangers Miss Volunteers

H. M. Thompson

Last edit 5 months ago by Lindsey Peterson (CWRGM Co-Director)
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