Page 2
Here you can see all page revisions and compare the changes have been made in each revision. Left column shows the page title and transcription in the selected revision, right column shows what have been changed. Unchanged text is highlighted in white, deleted text is highlighted in red, and inserted text is highlighted in green color.
15 revisions | Lindsey Peterson (CWRGM Co-Director) at Jul 14, 2024 06:44 PM Page 2| . | . | . |
| | Amount Brought Forward | 20,414.10 |
| Nov 19 | 1864 Voucher 33 [[Harkin, John|John Harkin]] | 295.20 |
| Oct 30 | " " 34 [[Heggie, J. L.|J. L. Heggie]] | 829.66 |
| Nov 15 | " " 35 " " | 775.00 |
| " 22 | " " 36 A. J. Ferguson | 40.00 |
| Oct 18 | " " 37 [[Pruden, John|John Pruden]] | 60.00 |
| July 7 | " " 38 [[Mauley, M.|M. Mauley]] | 200.00 |
| Aug 10 | " " 39 [[Farris, N. C.|N. C. Farris]] | 15.00 |
| Nov 19 | " " 40 [[Strong, N. A.|N. A. Strong]] | 442.00 |
| " 1 | " " 41 [[Harroll, O. F.|O. F. Harroll]] | 1360.00 |
| " 3 | " " 42 [[Railroads and Railroad Companies--Memphis and Charleston Railroad Company (Memphis, Tenn.)|Ala & M RRR]] | 208.50 |
| " 3 | " " 43 " " " | 53.00 |
| Oct 31 | " " 44 [[Unidentified--Phelon McBride & Company|Phelon McBride & Co]] | 906.00 |
| Nov 16 | " " 45 [[Turley, F. N.|F. N. Turley]] | 535.00 |
| Aug 13 | " " 46 [[Poindexter, W. F.|W. F. Poindexter]] | 500.00 |
| Oct 20 | " " 47 [[Sealy, Martha|Martha Sealy]] | 80.00 |
| Nov 17 | " " 48 [[Strong, Julia|Julia Strong]] | 1,205.00 |
| " " | " " 49 [[Campbell, J. W.|J. W. Campbell]] | 2000.00 |
| Dec 5 | " " 50 [[McKaskill, Peter|Peter McKaskill]] | 875.00 |
| Nov 5 | " " 51 [[Stricklam, Martha G.|Martha G Stricklam]] | 320.00 |
| Sept 20 | " " 52 [[Younger, James|James Younger]] | 240.00 |
| Dec 15 | " " 53 A. J. Ferguson | 250.00 |
| " 23 | " " | 54 [[Stokes, H. C.|H. C. Stokes]] | 45.00 |
| " 23 | " " 55 [[Buckley, W. J.|W. J. Buckley]] | 300.00 |
| " 24 | " " 56 [[Wallace, J. B.|J. B. Wallace]] | 200.00 |
| March 10 | 1865 " 57 [[Crosby, H.|H Crosby]] | 350.00 |
| Feby | " " 58 [[Southworth, H. H.|H. H. Southworth]] | 184.52 |
| Nov 8 | 1864 " 59 [[Cambell, Mary A.|Mary A Cambell]] | 600.00 |
| Apl 13 | " 65 " 60 [[Harris, Rebecca|Rebecca Harris]] | 300.00 |
| Dec 24 | " 64 " 61 " " | 200.00 |
| Feby | " 65 " 62 [[Smith, J. H.|J H Smith]] | 110.00 |
| Apl 5 | " " " 63 [[Lundy, James A.|James A Lundy]] | 1,450.00 |
| Oct 5 | " 64 " 64 [[Helen, W. B.|W B Helen]] | 1,000.00 |
| Feby | " 65 " 65 [[Hill, Sarah|Sarah Hill]] | 106.25 |
| | [total] | $36,449.23 |
Page 2| . | . | . |
| | Amount Brought Forward | 20,414.10 |
| Nov 19 | 1864 Voucher 33 [[Harkin, John|John Harkin]] | 295.20 |
| Oct 30 | " " 34 [[Heggie, J. L.|J. L. Heggie]] | 829.66 |
| Nov 15 | " " 35 " " | 775.00 |
| " 22 | " " 36 A. J. Ferguson | 40.00 |
| Oct 18 | " " 37 [[Pruden, John|John Pruden]] | 60.00 |
| July 7 | " " 38 [[Mauley, M.|M. Mauley]] | 200.00 |
| Aug 10 | " " 39 [[Farris, N. C.|N. C. Farris]] | 15.00 |
| Nov 19 | " " 40 [[Strong, N. A.|N. A. Strong]] | 442.00 |
| " 1 | " " 41 [[Harroll, O. F.|O. F. Harroll]] | 1360.00 |
| " 3 | " " 42 [[Railroads and Railroad Companies--Memphis and Charleston Railroad Company (Memphis, Tenn.)|Ala & M RRR]] | 208.50 |
| " 3 | " " 43 " " " | 53.00 |
| Oct 31 | " " 44 [[Phelon McBride & Company|Phelon McBride & Co]] | 906.00 |
| Nov 16 | " " 45 [[Turley, F. N.|F. N. Turley]] | 535.00 |
| Aug 13 | " " 46 [[Poindexter, W. F.|W. F. Poindexter]] | 500.00 |
| Oct 20 | " " 47 [[Sealy, Martha|Martha Sealy]] | 80.00 |
| Nov 17 | " " 48 [[Strong, Julia|Julia Strong]] | 1,205.00 |
| " " | " " 49 [[Campbell, J. W.|J. W. Campbell]] | 2000.00 |
| Dec 5 | " " 50 [[McKaskill, Peter|Peter McKaskill]] | 875.00 |
| Nov 5 | " " 51 [[Stricklam, Martha G.|Martha G Stricklam]] | 320.00 |
| Sept 20 | " " 52 [[Younger, James|James Younger]] | 240.00 |
| Dec 15 | " " 53 A. J. Ferguson | 250.00 |
| " 23 | " " | 54 [[Stokes, H. C.|H. C. Stokes]] | 45.00 |
| " 23 | " " 55 [[Buckley, W. J.|W. J. Buckley]] | 300.00 |
| " 24 | " " 56 [[Wallace, J. B.|J. B. Wallace]] | 200.00 |
| March 10 | 1865 " 57 [[Crosby, H.|H Crosby]] | 350.00 |
| Feby | " " 58 [[Southworth, H. H.|H. H. Southworth]] | 184.52 |
| Nov 8 | 1864 " 59 [[Cambell, Mary A.|Mary A Cambell]] | 600.00 |
| Apl 13 | " 65 " 60 [[Harris, Rebecca|Rebecca Harris]] | 300.00 |
| Dec 24 | " 64 " 61 " " | 200.00 |
| Feby | " 65 " 62 [[Smith, J. H.|J H Smith]] | 110.00 |
| Apl 5 | " " " 63 [[Lundy, James A.|James A Lundy]] | 1,450.00 |
| Oct 5 | " 64 " 64 [[Helen, W. B.|W B Helen]] | 1,000.00 |
| Feby | " 65 " 65 [[Hill, Sarah|Sarah Hill]] | 106.25 |
| | [total] | $36,449.23 |