Chamberlain, William M.
Chase, Stephen
Chesley, Edward
Chesley, Jerome
Childs, Alden
Chivers, Arthur H.
Clancy, Daniel
Clark, C.P.
Clayton, George
Clement, John S.
Clifford, E.L.
Closon, Asa B.
Clough, Miltiah
Cobb, Samuel W.
Codman, Benton G.
Coffee, Rebecca
Coffin, Sewell
Cofran, W. C.
Colby, Gilbert F.
Conant, Robert O.
Conner, A. W.
Conner, C. A.
Conner, E. S.
Cooley, A.
Corey, William
Cota, J.
Cota, M.
Cram, John
Croall, Hugh
Crosby, Asa
Crosby, Myra
Crowley, Julia
Crowley, Kate
Crowley, Michael
Cunningham, James
Curtis, David
Curtis, E.D.
Dallas, John T.
Davis, Moses
Davis, Thomas W.
Delano, Clarence E.
Deman, John
DeMarsh, Joseph
Dewey, George
Dewey, I. O.
Dewey, Joseph
Dewey, Sarah
Dewey, William
Dexter, Stephen
Diamond, E. W.
Dixon, Frank H.
Dobie, John A.
Donaldson, James
Douglas, Henry C.
Douglas, Sidney B.
Dow, Louis H.
Dow, Salmon
Dow, Sanford
Downing,L. B.
Doyle, Edward H.
Driggs, Hiram C.
Dudley, G. F.
Dudley, Jason
Dudley, John
Dudley, Jonathan
Dudley, Willie
Duggett, Sally
Duncan, William
Dunklee, Abraham
Edwards, John E.
Ellis, Carl
Emerson, C.F.
Emerson, Joseph
Emerson, Lysias
Emery, Fred
Emery, Jonathan
Ensworth, William E.
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