Fairfield, A.P.
Falconer, A. G.
Farmer, Carl
Fay, Sidney B.
Ferguson, Archibald
Field, Cornelius A.
Filiau, George
Flanders, Philip C.
Flanders, Philip G.
Flent, John P.
Fogg, Daniel
Folsom, Jesse
Ford, E.T.
Foster, Fred K.
Foster, George
Fountain, Joseph
Fountain -
Fox, Daiel
Frary, Horace
Frost, Carleton P.
Frost, Newton A.
Fuller, Caleb
Fuller, John M.
Garland, Jonathan S.
Gates, Laben
Gibbs, William H.
Gilber, Mrs. Marian E.
Gile, John M.
Givin, Joseph M.
Gleason -
Goodell, E. A.
Goodhue, George
Goodrich, Josiah
Gould, Edward
Gove, A. L.
Gove, L. D.
Grant, Ed
Grasse, C.
Green, William
Griggs, Leland
Gun, Edward
Hadlock, C.B.
Hall, Charles
Hardy, A. S.
Haskell, Alanson H.
Haskell, Nathaniel
Haskell, Thomas L.
Hawes, Donald M.
Hawkes, R. J.
Hawkins, Hannah
Hawley, Experience
Haynes, Francis A.
Hazen, John V.
Heilge, Fred G.
Heydock, William
Hill, Thomas P.
Hinds, Justin
Hitchcock, C.H.
Hitchcock, Hiram
Hitchcock, John
Holden, Chas. A.
Holt, A.J.
Hopkins, Ernest M.
Houston, Harry
How, Lyman B.
Howard, John
Hulbert Mrs. Chauncey P.
Huntington, Newton S.
Hutchins, Albert K.
Hutchins, David
Hutchins, Mrs. Clara
Husband, R.W.
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