1. The Officers of this Association shall be a President, a
Vice President, a Secretary, a Treasurer and Five Direc-
tord, who, together, shall constitute a Board for the trans-
action of the business of the Association: five shall form
a quorum: And they shall hold their offices for one
year, or until others are appointed in their places.
2. The Board of Directors shall superintend all improve-
ments in the grounds appropriated to the Cemetery;
shall divide the cemetery into lots; shall, under the
direction of the Association, assign a lot to each
share; shall select the places of interment for persons
not interested in a particular lot; shall cause
each lot to be numbered, & a plan of the whole
cemetery made out; shall collect & appropriate
all assessments ordered by the Association; and
shall cause the acts of the Directors, & all burials
to be recorded in separate Books by the Secretary;
and shall have power to fill all vacancies
occurring in the Offices of the Association.
3. There shall be an annual meeting of the Association,
of the second Monday of April, & such other meetings
as the Directors may, from time to time, call.
At the annual meeting, the Officers of the Society
shall be elected, the annual Report of the Directors
read, & any other business, pertaining to the objects of
the Association transacted.
Meetings of the Association shall be duly notified by the
According to a vote of the Association, a Committee
of two was appointed by the Chairman, to nominate Officers.
This Committee reported the following list of Officers, who
were, by vote of the Association, elected: viz.
Rev. N. Lord D. D. President
William Tenny Vice President
Stephen Chase Secretary
Joseph Emerson Jr. Treasurer
Rev. C. B. Haddock D. D.\
Timothy D. Smith\
Prof. I. Young > Directors
Alfred Morse Esq./
Prof. S. G. Brown/
Dr. Lord asked to be excused from serving as
President, and Daniel Blaisdell Esq. was elected
President of the Association.
Voted that the Directors divide the Cemetery into lots, as
prescribed by the second section of the Bylaws, & assign
one of the said portions of ground to each share; determining
by lot the order of choice by the holders of the several
Voted, on motion of Dr. Lord, that the Directors be author-
ized to buy land in addition to that intended to be bought
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