of Prof. Crosby.
On motion of Professor Young, it was voted
That the Secretary, in the name of the Corporation,
give public notice of its formation, name & object,
by publishing such notice three weeks successively in
the "Democratic Republican", "a paper printed in the
County in which the said association is formed", "&
also by posting a like notice in one or more public
places in the town in which said association is
formed & located".
Voted, that this meeting be now dissolved.
S. Chase, Secretary -
Oct. 17. 1845.
Agreeably to the Provisions of the third article of the By-
laws the annual meeting of the Association was holden
on Monday April 13. at 7 o'clock P.M., having been
duly notified by the Secretary, by posting up at the Post
Office in Hanover, seven days before the meeting, the
following notice, viz. (See file E.)
The Stockholders of the Dartmouth Cemetary Associ-
ation are hereby notified that the annual meeting of said
Association will be holden at the Vestry near Dartmouth
College on Monday, April 13th at 7 o'clock P.M.
S. Chase, Secretary of Dartmouth
Cemetary Association.
Hanover April 6th 1846.
The President being absent, the meeting was called to
order by the Vice President
The report of the Directors was read, stating that notice
of the formation, name & object of the Association had
been given by the Secretary, as required by law, & di-
rected by the vote of the Association, that committees had
been appointed on the subjects of fencing, of surveying the
land & dividing it into lots, of procuring a grant of more
land from the College, & of general improvement of the
grounds; also, that the committees had, in part, attended to the
duties assigned them (See file C.)
Voted, to accept the report.
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